Thursday, June 5, 2014

.5 Days Till We Are 5th Graders Mom and Dad!

Well, the last blog is here. What will you do without it? I guess you will have to go back to reading the newspaper with your coffee in the morning. :0) Please know in advance that I am an overachiever when it comes to blogging. Not everyone does their blog to my extent. I sure hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have enjoyed writing it. I never delete it, so the kids can have it even when they are 60 and at a reunion and want to go back in time. It will be there.

We had a great day today on our Spinner's Bike Trip. What an awesome company that does sooooo much for Arrowhead Elementary School's kids! It felt great to give back to them, and the kids loved it. yum!

There is no homework tonight. Kids may take off the rest of the year. :0)

Liam and Adelaide will be our All Star Players in the Staff vs. Kids game tomorrow. It was SOOOOO difficult to choose. I ended up with 8 kids left on the list for the week. So, I put them in a hat and drew two. All 22 kids did so awesome. It was fun to see them catch themselves and correct their character. What a fun way to end the week!

We will have one last meal together tomorrow thanks to Chase and Casasha's parents. (And possibly others that I don't know about!) Rootbeer will be served with the lunch. If your child doesn't like that, they may bring a drink of their choice. Jimmy John's lunch will be served.

It has been my absolute privilege to be your child's teacher this year. When I was doing report card comments, I teared up thinking about each child. What an amazing year. This has been the first year in my teaching career where I have become friends with parents, actual friends. I felt like I was teaching kids that I have known for years.

Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for sharing your child with me. I have enjoyed every single minute. I hope that I am forever in their lives now. Please, please invite me in. I would love to continue to watch each of these students grow up, play ball, come to recitals, graduations, weddings, etc…

Please know that I am always here for you or your child. If next year, you need something or they need help on something, just stop in or give me a call. I am not a one year teacher, and I will always make time for any of you.

I am so grateful and blessed to have each of you in my life. So blessed!

Have an amazing and fun summer making a million new memories!

Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

1.5 Days...

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Hello there. Sorry this is so late. I had a meeting right after school. Today was a great day. It started with a  double header in wiffle ball. The kids did great. They need to remember to play different positions each time though. Some kids are hogging the bases, pitcher's mound, and catcher's box. There are many kids that have not played them at all. We will talk about this tomorrow: fairness trait.

Homework tonight is a ladder sheet. Again, many used their no homework coupons. 

We had the final auction today. Every kiddo got to buy something fun! Thanks for all the donations. The bit hit items were the Duck Dynasty and Minecraft posters and the stuffed bears. The kids got to raise their paddles and bid what they wanted. Fun times! 

Kids did accelerated math one last time today as well. Those that didn't finish also have that for homework tonight. 

We cleaned house today. Thanks for all the donated items. We are fully stocked for next year. This is awesome, as kids are always needing to borrow items and we have got them. Backpacks were pretty heavy tonight. Please have them empty them out before bringing them tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is our Spinners Bike ride. Hopefully Mother Nature is nice to us. The storm today was quite a surprise, and a big one! Kids need to bring their helmets, bike, and $5 tomorrow. Max and Spencer's mom, along with Riley's Grandma and Coewyn's dad we sure appreciate you helping out tomorrow. If you could arrive at 12:30 that would be awesome. We will all go over the route and expectations together in the classroom before we go. EXCITING and YUM!

If you read this tonight, write BLOG in the planner for a Jolly Rancher tomorrow. 

Well, I think that about does it for today! Have a wonderful night. Tomorrow will be my last and final blog. :0( 
Ms. Erickson

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

2.5 Days Left!

Hello there. What a GREAT day! The weather was nice and cool in the morning and sunny just in time to climb the pillar! I have so many fun pictures to share. I will have them up tomorrow. Zach bought a new Harley this weekend, and tonight is the night to go pick it up in Powell, Wy so I got scoot out.

Tomorrow is the auction. I have bought some items for the kids to bid on. Mrs. Moore shared an awesome idea for the rest. She has kids bring in one item from home. I can be anything, as long as they want to part with it and it is something they think others would want to bid on. The sky is the limit. They may only bring in ONE item. Otherwise the auction will last forever. We will spend, spend, spend all of our hard earned cash tomorrow. WooHoo!

Homework tonight is a ladder sheet. Kids know how to do these. They may use a homework coupon on it, and many have. :0)

Tomorrow, we will be bringing most of our items home. Kids will have heavy backpacks. You may want to pick them up at school if you can. We will keep a few things here for some last minute learning, but for the most part all will go home. Thanks for all the donations!!!

Have a wonderful, wonderful night. Wiffle ball continues tomorrow with a double header in the morning. Shoes are a good idea. :0)

Have a great night!
Ms. Erickson

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hello there.

Wiffle Ball was a HOOT!!!! The Montana Conservation Corps were in the house and were so fun to play with. We also played Mr. Marquis's 5th graders this morning. I saw a TON of great character happening on and off the field.

Tonight's homework is to read the Sacajawea book page 76-79.

Tomorrow is the field trip to Pompey's Pillar. We leave right away. A BIG HUGE thank you to Max's mom for coming along. The kids are ready! We watched a film this morning that reviewed the entire journey along with one about the pillar. They will learn so much more tomorrow! Kids may bring their electronics for the bus again. Because of the rain lately, the mosquitos are out down there. Bug spray BEFORE school will be a good idea. Sunscreen, walking shoes, and a hat will also be a smart choice. Don't forget that Sack Lunch. :0)

We will go through supplies soon. Do you want your child to bring them home or donate them to the classroom tubs for next year. I am talking about markers, calculators, notebooks, etc. Please write DONATE in the planner if you want them to donate them to my classroom buckets or NO DONATE if you want them to bring it all home. Write it in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Thanks.

Have a wonderful night!
Ms. Erickson

Sunday, June 1, 2014

4.5 Days and Counting...

Hi there. Rain, rain, rain! Gotta love that noise when you wake up as a farmer/rancher. That noise means…take the day off! So, what does one do when they take a day off? We drive to the Top of the World! It was soooo beautiful up there. Green valleys mixed with HUGE snow piles was paradise. There were also some pretty good storms brewing in. Tons of lightning and loud, booming thunder kept us all on our toes. Awesome!

Well, the last week of 4th grade is upon us. Heavy sigh! Many may be excited, and don't get me wrong I am excited for summer activities, but I am also sad. This class has been so amazing and so fun to teach. I will see many over the summer in activities and study sessions, but it doesn't match the every day hellos and smiles. Every student is so unique and I will miss those exact character traits the most.

We will finish up the week strong. In between all the activities, we will finish up Montana History. Grades will be finalized by Tuesday and submitted to Mrs. Meier for a final review. Report Cards will be distributed on the last day, but you can always get a sneak peak online. All students did great!

This week, we will partake in the 4th and 5th grade Character Building Wiffle Ball Tournament. This is NOT a competitive event. It is designed to have kids see how all 6 character traits relate to sports. Not one of the traits encourages competitiveness. We will focus on cheering all players on, even on the opposing team. We will work on being respectful by not moving in or out when a particular batter comes up. We will also work on playing in our position only. Sometimes we know that we may be able to catch a ball or throw a ball better than someone else so we are tempted to step in and take over. In this tournament, we will stand firm and watch that person try their best to do it themselves. Not only that, but we will also work on encouraging them with kind words no matter what the outcome is. We all know that some kids are more blessed athletically than others, but here we give everyone their fair chance to at least try in these games. It is all about having fun and building character. Daily, kids will reflect on their character on the field by using a character rubric and set a goal on what they can do better tomorrow during the next game. We will play all week, including a game against our friends at Montana Conservation Corps, like Tauzha, Squatch, and Kevin. Please feel free to drop by and watch any game you want. Just remember to check in at the office and then meet us on the actual baseball fields. You can't miss us. :0)

Then on Friday, each teacher will select two kids that have had amazing character in all games without a lot of direction or guidance. Those two kids will then play the Arrowhead Staff in the all star game. Everyone will get to have fun watching the game too. :0) It will be a difficult decision for me, as I know all my students have awesome character on and off the field! I loved this event at Bitterroot every year, and I am excited to now bring it to Arrowhead! It was inspired after I watched this video. It didn't have a share/embed code, so you will have to just click the link and go there. Enjoy and be inspired as well!

Monday, we have the 5th grade black light presentation. I LOVED this show at Bitterroot when Mrs. Waddell taught music there. I am excited to see it once again!

Tuesday, we have our field trip to Pompey's Pillar. The kids are soooooo ready for this field trip. They are going to learn even more while we are there. It is time for it all to come to life now. Please remember that they need a sack lunch this day. Bug spray and sunscreen BEFORE leaving home is also a good idea along with a hat. Ticks are always found on the bus ride home. I recommend girls wear their hair tied up. We often go on a nature walk around the pillar in tall grass, so I always wear long pants and layered tops. It is up to the kids though.

Wednesday day is our last money buy in. We will have a classroom auction. Kids get to have a paddle to raise when they want to bid on an item. Items will include treats, small toys, and other fun things for summer. Kids will be encouraged to spend all of their money. Extra money will be donated back to the bank. This is my treat to them.

Thursday is our bike trip to Spinners for their yogurt treat. Kids have already picked their flavors and they have been ordered. I will send in Liam and Tyler's on Monday if they are back at school. We will make sure everyone has one, including the volunteers! We have lots of volunteers, but please feel free to still join in on the riding fun. We will leave at 12:45 and be back around 2. Coewyn's dad will follow in the truck just in case someone ends up needing a ride due to a breakdown that we can't fix. Mr. Pertuit will be in the lead. He rides to school often and knows a safe path. He also knows where we need to get off and walk our bikes across roads or rough gravel. Safety first all the way! All kids and adults need to have helmets. Kids need to also remember their $5. I am not collecting the money, so they need to bring it that day to give to the cashier after receiving their treat. Fun, fun, fun!

Friday is a half day. We will be outside at 11:45 to line the building and high five the 5th graders on their way to Will James Middle School. After that, kids are free to go one last time.

On Friday, we will also have our Jimmy John Lunch at 11. Chase's mom along with others are providing party platters to make sandwiches. Kids just need to bring their own drink. If you are wanting to help provide this, please call Chase's mom. Her number is in the directory. A HUGE thank you for helping make our last day special.

Well, that about does it for the week. Have a wonderful Sunday!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you. John E. Southard

Hi there. I am beginning to actually FEEL like Lewis and Clark! This journey is taking FOREVER!!!!!  We made it to the Bitterroot Mountains today. Yay!!! Tomorrow, we will cross them and head down to the Pacific Ocean. Down Stream from here folks! :0)

Homework tonight is to continue reading the Sacajawea book. They need to read the Chapter entitled, Little Bird Returns. The quizzes were better today for some, but not all. We talked about how in 5th grade, the teacher is going to expect their students to be able to read ALONE and comprehend what they are reading. If they need to read aloud, they need to find a way that that strategy will work for them. These will be our last grades in reading this year.

Tomorrow is World Water Day. Kids are encouraged to bring a dollar donation and wear as much blue as they can. (No hair coloring). This is Arrowhead's last spirit day for 2013-2014 school year. Thanks for all your support.

Final Essays were written today. Kids published them in pen today in their best handwriting. They will be graded and added into the language grades and then placed in their files for their 5th grade teachers to see. What a great 1st impression so many of them are making. So proud!

Two kiddos used their show and tell coupons today. Chase brought in a very cool project he helped do. He created a lego model of the app game, Flappy Bird. So, so creative!

Jen brought in some magic little bead things. I am so out of date on what is in these days. I have never even heard of these before. When added to water, they grow in size! They are also room air fresheners. Who knew???? Crazy! Thanks for sharing Chase and Jen!

It was Ty's early birthday today! He brought in some delicious crepes for us to eat filled with strawberries. Many kids went back for seconds! Yummy! Thanks Ty and I hope you have a great birthday this weekend!

That about does it. Have a great evening!
Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. Princess Diana

Hi there. 7.5 days left till we become 5th graders (well, not me…I am being held back and will have to repeat 4th again. :0))

It was another busy day in room E5. We went further up the Lewis and Clark trail, tested out on tile pulling probability, edited our rough draft essays, took a quiz on what we read last night about Sacajawea, read more about Sacajawea, and all ate a Dilly Bar thanks to Dairy Queen! Wowzers!

For homework tonight, kids need to read the next chapter in the Sacajawea book, pages 44-51. They again can chose the way they read. However, some found out the hard way today that I wasn't kidding when I said there would be a quiz to hold them accountable for their reading. There will be a quiz again tomorrow on tonight's information. Discussing and connecting to the information is key to remembering facts and details.

Tomorrow is the 4th grade celebration. I mentioned before that my class is not a part of this. It is similar to what we did when you came for MLK, Jr night. Please disregard notices that came home or are posted on the Arrowhead website.

The class lost two privileges today. Due to the amount of kids getting up in the middle of a lesson to fill water bottles from the faucet, we will not be doing it anymore. The procedure is to fill it up right when we come in from lunch if need be. Once one kid does it, they all do it. So, they will need to fill it up at home before school and make it last throughout the day, which should not be a problem. We are in an air conditioned school and should only need a small drink when we come in from outside. The other one is 4 square. While watching today, I heard so many unkind words being spoken. "Your out!" You cheat!" "Nooooo, they played on it. We changed the rules!" It actually hurt my CC Meeting heart to watch and listen to it. All those meetings about being kind to one another and showing grace and gratitude??? What happened??? So, my class is no longer having that activity as an option at recess. They will need to find a different game to play and be kind when doing so. Choices….consequences.

A very cool shout out to Adelaide's family! They made the Gazette! Her entire family (mom, dad, and 8 kiddos) are running in the Heart and Soul Run coming up. The article was a great reminder of just how important exercise is. It also reminded me just how important family time is. What a great example for all of us to follow. Awesome job Adelaide and family!!!!

I had dinner with Rusty last night. He is such an inspiration to me. He is so positive and so understanding of what kids are going through in the real world. He gave me all the shirts. He didn't have any youth large, but said that the adult smalls were just a tad bit bigger. I said that was perfect. So, I have them. I will give them out on Monday before our first wiffle ball game. That way they are all clean and pretty for our team picture to send to him! :0)

A HUGE thank you to all that have volunteered to chaperone the bike trip: Riley's grandma, Max's mom, Spencer's mom, Coewyn's dad, and possibly Trevor's dad. The more the merrier. Just remember, adults need to wear helmets too. I will be happy to pick up your tab for your yogurt as a thank you! :0)

Chase's mom emailed me with an awesome act of kindness. Some parents would like to celebrate the end of the year with a Jimmy John's lunch. We will have this on the last day at 11:00. They will provide the stuff, kids just need to bring a drink. It is a half day, so that is a perfect way to end the year/day. Thank you so much for this amazing treat! Wow!

I leave you with a "Fill My Bucket" that happened to me after school today. Arrowhead staff had a little get together for me for my upcoming wedding. That's right…I am getting hitched this summer. When you see me in the halls next year, I will be Mrs. Grewell. It is pronounced as Mrs. Grew well. It was so nice of them to show me such love and kindness. What a great place to work! Thanks Arrowhead!

Respectfully and Kindly,
Ms. Erickson