Saturday, August 31, 2013

“To encourage me is to believe in me, which gives me the power to defeat dragons.” ― Richelle E. Goodrich

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Hi there! I hope that you are having a wonderful weekend. Just to be nice I gave ya an extra day, so take Monday off too. Just kidding, Labor Day is Monday. I had nothing to do with it. Kids return to school on Tuesday. :0)

Next week, we will begin a few more academic areas. We will add spelling, language, writing, math, and reading. In Spelling, we will work on words that have a long and short sound. In Language, we will work with the four types of sentences: Declarative, Exclamatory, Interrogative, and Imperative. In Writing, we will work on topic sentences, main ideas, and supporting details. In math, we will work on place value concepts to the millions. We will specifically look at changing numbers from expanded form to standard and word form and then back again. For some reason, these always trip kids up. When I give kids a math assignment it always reviews concepts from day one and on. I then add on the new concept at the bottom. This way, they are always keeping all skills fresh in their mind. It also allows me to go beyond the 4th grade level and push for a deeper understanding at a higher level. In reading, we will take our placement test to establish our Lead 21 levels. We will then dive into our first Unit: Heritage. The skills found in this unit are main idea, determining important information, synonyms, metaphors, and using text features to help answer questions. We will add Social Studies and Science in Week 3. I will teach S.S., and Mrs. Auch will teach Science. We will continue on with our Montana History this week however. Ask your child what continent Montana is found on. If they can tell you, write it in the planner for $10 bonus.

On Friday, two things came home in your child's backpack. On the last day of the school week, I send home a weekly report. I list some components that I have seen throughout the week that I have seem to challenge kids. This week, they are all behavioral. I will eventually add academic issues as well. The components will change as I see them change in class. I ask that kids take these very serious. If they have items checked mark, I need them to really reflect on how they can make improvements in the following week. They need to share that plan with you, and collect your feedback. I shared with the kids that this is not a tattle report home. It is a way that they can reflect with your help. It is not designed to get kids into trouble or to receive consequences at home. It is just issues that I would like them to work on. I shared with them that they should share these with you on Fridays so it is not a surprise on Sunday night and the process then has to be rushed. Breaking bad habits takes time. Having a plan helps shorten that time. After your discussion, please sign the report and have your child return it on Tuesday. Feel free to make a copy for your records if you want to. I will keep all the reports in a file at school. If a student is consistently getting a certain area marked, we can then sit down together and review what they have tried and create a new plan together. I so appreciate your willingness to help me create positive choices with every child. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

The second item that came home was a blue flyer for the Lego Robotics class. It sounds like a ton of fun!

Many of you have asked to volunteer in the classroom. I have to admit that this is a little new to me. I am excited about this opportunity. I would like to spend just a little while longer building a relationship with your children before we start bringing you in. I do however need a volunteer that would be willing to come in and stuff our Tuesday Folders. This week, we come back on a Tuesday. I know it is not much notice, but if one of you could spare a few minutes to come and stuff the folders that would be awesome. If that would work for you, could you throw me an email sometime this weekend? You could come in anytime before 11:50 or after 12:25. I will eventually need help when we start our AR Math program as well. If math is your strong suit and you would be willing to work with kids one on one with their problems could you also throw me an email? That way, when the time comes I know who to call upon. Other opportunities will also arise. I will blog about them as they come up. Again, thanks so much for your willingness to help. My email is

We have PE the day we come back. Please help kids remember their shoes.

I give homework Monday thru Thursday. Homework usually consists of some kind of math review sheet, studying spelling words, and finishing up work that didn't get done in class. I do not give homework just to give homework. I also won't ever expect you to do my job and teach a concept that I haven't already taught in class. Homework will be a review and time to practice skills that are relevant to our lessons in class that day. It should not take more than 30-40 minutes. If it is, please call me for a conference. Being a mom of two kids myself, I understand that life after school is busy. I tell my own kids to get their homework done right away after school so it is out of the way. Let me know right away if any problems arise.

That being said, I did give one bit of homework this weekend. We have a friends and family board in our classroom. This is a special place where kids can bring in a photo of those that are close to them. Everybody has bad days at time. When your child has one, they can take a look at the board and smile. They can think of the people up there and know that they are never doing life alone. Each student may bring in two pictures max. They can be of family or friends or both. Kids may switch out their pictures whenever they want, but due to space limitations they may only have two up at a time. They may begin to bring those in on Tuesday. Kids do not have to participate in this. It is totally optional. Last year, I did see positive effects from having those that are closest to us there with us.

Overall, it was an amazing first week. Friday we worked on transitioning quitely. We practiced it and practiced it. The kids did great! I am very proud of how quickly they are settling in already. I look forward to another great week as well! The crayon presentations were so fun. I loved getting to know more about each student. They were all so different and creative. Enjoy the slideshow!

Have a wonderful long weekend.
I appreciate you!
Ms. Erickson

Thursday, August 29, 2013

You Have Great Kids!!!

Hello there. Well day 2 was just as successful as day one. This is a great group of kids.

We did a very fun activity with the book The Crayon Box That Talked. Kids had to combine their boring rainbows into a brighter one using nothing by teamwork. We discovered afterward that the key ingredients to a successful team are to think the assignment through, make a plan before starting, assign jobs, give and go, and think outside of the box. The kids also said that they discovered that poor planning, miscommunications, non-cooperation, failing to read directions, and arguing are key ingredients to an unsuccessful team. What a great way to learn this life lesson! Ask your kiddo about this project and how their group did. If they can share with you, write crayon in the planner for an extra $10 bonus. Enjoy the pictures above of the kids doing this activity.

Speaking of crayons, tonight's homework deals with them. Each student received a crayon template. They need to design their crayon to reflect themselves. They can use any materials that are handy to them. They need to have a least 6-7 items on their crayon to share tomorrow with the class. My only two rules for this project are...1. They need to stay away from the center circle and their name and 2. it has to be able to be stapled to the wall and stay there all year. Other than that, the sky is the limit. They can draw items, glue on items, use photographs, magazine clippings, food wrappings, scrapbooking items, stickers, whatever! I can't wait to learn even more about each student tomorrow! If your child is going to be absent tomorrow, they will need to share upon their return. Homework is due tomorrow at the start of class. Have fun!!!!

Many more kids had their water bottles today. Thank you!!!! I did notice that some left them here. Please help remind kids to take them home to get cold, ice water each day.

We started our MT History unit today. We looked into where in the world is Montana anyway. Kids were shocked to see how big Canada really is! Fun stuff!

In math, we started place value. I spent about 20 minutes just discovering what they already knew. I am glad that the 4th grade curriculum will challenge most of them. Those that need a push, will go beyond to numbers in the billions. 4th grade only expects to the millions. When walking around to see their work, I noticed that writing larger numbers is going to need some practice. We will practice, practice, practice this tomorrow and beyond.

We are also still working on our transition time from one thing to the next. We had to sit down again today as a class and talk expectations. We have sooooooo much to do in the 4th grade, and we can't waste a single second. So, we are continuing to work on just doing what is asked and not coming up to Ms. Erickson during this time for one on one conversations. Repeating directions more than once is also an issue we are tackling. Please continue to talk about these at home. I appreciate your support, and I know we will get this under control soon.

We have PE tomorrow, so tennis shoes are a must. I also reminded kids about bringing their healthy snack. Those that didn't have one today got a cheese stick out of my fridge, but I can't supply snacks daily. It is such a long time from 8:15 to noon to eat. Even I get hungry. :0)

Lastly, I will part with these words in honor of the Bobcat game tonight...Go Griz! :0)

Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day...A Huge Success

WoooooHooooo!!! What a GREAT first day! We accomplished soooooo much! Today's focus was on learning and practicing our classroom procedures. We will work on all of them throughout the week. They did GREAT!!!

A couple of things to discuss at home tonight:
1. Transitioning from one place or subject to another with our feet and not our mouths. We can get a lot more done if we just get where we need to be without the side conversations. Friendly reminders from home would help a lot too. Thanks.
2. Water Bottles. Some kids came without one today. Thank goodness we are in an air conditioned school!!! I don't allow water fountain drinks due to classroom disruptions. Water bottles are the only way to go. Please send one tomorrow with your kiddo. Water is now being offered in the lunchroom with lunches. Cool!!!
3. Some kids are still missing a few school supplies. Please ask your child if that is them. Hopefully we can get everyone labeled and squared away by tomorrow. Thanks!
4. Did your kiddo already pay for their planner. We had two that still need to . They know who they are. Please pay the $5 tomorrow at the office. Thanks.
5. Tuesday folders came home today with a TON of paperwork. Please take the time to look through them and fill them out. Some require a discussion and signature from your child as well. The stapled packet and the information form need to be brought back tomorrow as well as the Tuesday folder they are in with a date and signature.
6. Has your child turned in their first day information form that I mailed out before school with my letter? I send home 4 copies today. Please return tomorrow if this went home with your kiddo. Thanks!

Today was a practice day for our classroom economy behavior management system. I did not issue fines for poor choices today. That being said, the real deal starts tomorrow. There was a lot of shouting out, talking at inappropriate times, and having to have directions repeated due to lack of listening. We talked many times throughout the day about how it will cost them $20 from their fake money wallet tomorrow. I told them that I have to start out catching every little thing to set the tone. Otherwise, it will be a long year. They usually catch on in a couple of days. No worries, they will figure it all out. New expectations and procedures always take time to get used to. I have nothing but faith that we will get it down very soon.

This morning I posed the question...what kind of teacher do you want this year? It was great to see how thoughtful and excited this group is. Then, I switched gears and asked what kind of students they thought that I wanted? Again, great answers. To cement the idea, we made a classroom fruit salad. One at a time I added in a different type of fruit. Grapes resembled all the kind kids in our room. Strawberries symbolized all the hard workers. Then came the blueberries for all the kind words we would hear and use in the classroom. Kiwis went in next to resemble the happiness we could see and feel in the room. Finally, raspberries. They resembled all the positive character traits that would be displayed in the classroom, like trustworthiness, responsibility, and respect. THEN....I said, oops I forgot one more ingredient. I then pulled out a completely rotten banana and started to peel it to add in our salad. NOOOOOOOOO!, said the kids! They quickly discovered that it only takes one rotten banana to ruin a beautiful fruit salad. The lesson: it only takes one disruption to create a bump in a lesson. They got it, and we all had a yummy treat! Ask your kiddo if they can remember a time today that they were a rotten banana. Discuss why and what we could do to work on it. If you have this discussion, write the word banana in the planner for an extra $20 cash bonus.

Speaking of planners, daily your child will fill out theirs with me on the carpet. They are to highlight any homework they are bringing home. Tonight's homework is to complete 3 bucket filler slips. They need to write a nice compliment or note to three people in this classroom or school. Please have them share them with you. Homework is always due the next day by the start of class, but extra time will always be given if needed. That being said, missing or unfinished homework does have a $20 fine. Daily, they need to obtain your signature on the bottom of their planner where it says parent messages. They earn $20 for this if they have it at the end of our morning meeting. If they do not have it, they owe me $20. Lots of ways to earn cash to buy into fun events down the road!!! We will talk more about this at open house.

Well, I think that about covers our first day. I am so thankful for all the warm wishes I have gotten from many of you. I know I am new to Arrowhead, and with that comes different people, procedures, expectations, and a lot of grace on everyone's part. I am learning in some areas just as much as the kiddos. Thanks for your patience and understanding. We have Art tomorrow morning. Have a wonderful first night! I sure loved getting to know each and every kiddo today! They are already so unique and special to me!

Ms. Erickson

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Loved Meeting You!!!

Hello there. It was sooooo nice to finally meet all of you last night. I gotta admit I was a little anxious and nervous being the newbie and all. Thank you so much for welcoming me and trusting me with your kiddos!

Today we all were downtown for the district back to school rally. The theme was, What is Billings Schools Doing Right. It was so refreshing just listening to speaker after speaker after speaker thanking all that make Billings District 2 a fantastic place. I couldn't agree more! Transferring is not that easy. It creates empathy for those that come to a new school and not knowing anyone. But, I have discovered, rather quickly I may add, that District 2 has fantastic people all over it! Many of them are you! Thanks again for coming, and for having your child complete their very first classroom assignment. They all did great.

If your kiddo was unable to bring all their supplies yesterday, no worries. We will finish them up tomorrow. Also, if your child was unable to return their permission slip from the before school letter you received in the mail, please try to send it in tomorrow.

A HUGE thank you for all being so willing to add to the supply list as well. Please know how much I appreciate that! It really does make the classroom run a lot smoother.

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day! We start at 8:15 and will be jammed pack with get to know ya activities and procedures until 3:00. Our lunch is from 11:50 to 12:25 each day.

Remember, kids may bring an individual snack each day. I will have some fruit for an activity tomorrow morning if they like that. However, I don't normally provide a snack each day.

Water bottles! Don't forget those. Please label them before they come.

We have music right at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Fun!!!

We don't have gym until Friday afternoon. Please have those tennis shoes on and ready on that day.

I have listed the other specialist days and time off to the right.

Have a wonderful last night of summer vacation! If it is anything like mine it will be haircuts, story time, bed and then a VERY early traditional breakfast at Stella's downtown for dinosaur pancakes and the book, Kissing Hand.

See you all tomorrow!

Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Welcome to Ms. Erickson's 4th Grade Class!!!!

Hi there!

I am so excited to be at Arrowhead Elementary School this year! I just finished up my tenth year at Bitterroot Elementary in the heights. We live on a family ranch/farm in Silesia, MT, which is a little past Laurel. Therefore, the commute to the heights was taking its toll. I am thrilled that our commute has now been cut in half. Even more so, I am thrilled that I was placed at Arrowhead. I have heard nothing but wonderful things, and I have been welcomed with open arms. Thank you!!!

Before Bitterroot, I taught in Florida for three years. I loved my life there, but Montana is my true home. I have taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. I spent most of my career thus far in 4th, and it has become my favorite! I am happy that I will continue with that grade.

If you are reading this post, I am assuming that you received my before school letter. I can't wait to meet all of you on our first day together. Our classroom is the first one to the left through Door 8.

As mentioned in the letter, one thing I take great pride in is communicating to parents. I consider you a part of our Arrowhead team. Without you, my job becomes very difficult. It has been my experience that when there is a home-school connection children succeed. I look forward to building that with you.

My main source of communication will be this very blog. It is directed to you, the parent, but kids may also read it daily. When saying that, allow me to clarify. I am writing to ALL parents at the same time. I am NOT writing directly to you. I may, at times, post things that I need you to discuss with your child. That does NOT mean that YOUR child did something. It is just a classroom issue that needs reminding to all kiddos. If there is an out of character issue with your child in particular, please know that I will involve you personally and immediately. Again, communication is key! I religiously post daily. If I miss a day, it is because something really crazy has come up. After school, I sit down and post. It is usually up and ready to read by 4:30 p.m. I like to have it up before dinner time so you can avoid the dreaded "what did you do at school today" question and receive the even more dreaded response of "nothing!"In fact, I daily add in a dinner discussion topic just for this reason. With it, I will post a code word to write in their planner if they can have a good discussion with you. But, more on that later!  I do NOT post of Fridays, but I post again on Saturday by 4:30. I have titled the blog, A Fly on the Wall, for a reason. I want you to feel like you are just that. I want you to have an inside look at what your child does all day. Therefore, I am often quite wordy and I post a ton of pictures, slideshows, and videos of your children in action. Hence, the permission slip attached to your first day letter. Kids love to see themselves online as well. This blog is not private, and may be accessed by the public. Which means, that grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, siblings away at college, or whomever takes an interest in your child may access it! Please share the address with those you love! I will never post a child's full name. I will use first names at all times. If your child is not able to be shown on the blog, I will make sure they are out of picture taking site when doing so. Lastly, I post quickly. Please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors you may find. The blog is to communicate needed information to you, and I often don't have time to go back over and proof read before going home.

You may also communicate with me via phone, email, or in person with an appointment. I try to respond within one working day. I check my email often, but don't often respond until I have a break in teaching. My first priority is your child's education. Please, please, please feel welcome to come talk about anything!

Snacks are allowed in class daily. They need to be healthy snacks that do not include candy, potato chips, or cookies. Things like nuts, fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, hard boiled eggs, and so on are appropriate. Please make sure the snack is for ONE day only. Do not bring in a weeks worth of snacks at one time. We do not have storage space for that, and in the past it has brought on ants. I do have a small personal fridge in the classroom that kids may use to refrigerate items, but again making sure that they are in a daily proportion is key to space for all that need it. Also, please make sure that nuts and eggs are de-shelled BEFORE they come to school. It becomes a huge distraction to do those in class. We eat snack during our regular studies. It is not a special designated snack time. Therefore, kids need to be able to eat quickly, cleanly, and without distraction. We will discuss this in depth on day one.

Water bottles are highly recommended all year long. Please just send a standard one. Let's avoid a giant one or an odd shape. Just a regular cylinder bottle please. Kids will need to bring them home daily and refill at home. We are one of the lucky schools to have air conditioning (I was not so lucky at my last school!), but kids still need to keep hydrated after recess and throughout the day. Our bodies are 70% water, and each time we use energy to think it depletes our "tanks." Ice to start with is always a good idea. We will talk about refilling in class and the idea that what goes in will eventually need to come back out. Kids are allowed to use the restroom before school, during recess breaks, and at lunch.

As far as my behavior management system this year, I will use the "fake" money system. Kids will earn  fake money for positive behavior choices and lose it for not so positive choices or spend it on a fun class activity or reward. We will talk more about this during our open house and future blog posts.

As you may notice off to the right of this blog, you will find your child's spelling words for the week and a daily specialist schedule. I try to post the following week's spelling words on Saturday. The test will be each Friday. I have already added the first unit. The test is not until September, but it is never to early to start practicing.

Specialists may look different this year. Now that your child is in the intermediate grades, they have added more time and different ones. Your child will now have Art each week, Health Enhancement (Health and PE) and Music twice a week, and Library for an hour instead of a half hour. They will also be given an actual grade in these subjects rather than a participation grade, except in library. The librarian and I collaborate closely and project grades in that class will be part of the subject that is being taught (reading, social studies, science, etc.) So, they are graded, but not as a singled out library grade. Actual assignments and projects will be given in all these subject areas. Wearing appropriate and safe PE shoes and bringing back library books are a must. Growing up is FUN!!!!!

 I can't wait to meet all of you on our Meet and Greet night at Arrowhead Elementary School. It will be on Monday, August 26th from 4:45-5:45 p.m. Please bring in all supplies and permission slips at that time and drop them off. It makes it a lot easier if I can get the classroom stuff (kleenix, wipes, etc) put away before kids arrive to do their desk stuff.  Students may also purchase their daily planner at this time for $5. Arrowhead only accepts cash or check.

Well, I am sure that you are either overly informed or totally overwhelmed right now. No need to worry. All of the above will be taught and practiced with your child throughout the entire first week. Procedures and building relationships will be the focus of our first three days together with a few academics intertwined within. Then...week two. We will be off and running!

Ms. Erickson