Hi there!
I am so excited to be at Arrowhead Elementary School this year! I just finished up my tenth year at Bitterroot Elementary in the heights. We live on a family ranch/farm in Silesia, MT, which is a little past Laurel. Therefore, the commute to the heights was taking its toll. I am thrilled that our commute has now been cut in half. Even more so, I am thrilled that I was placed at Arrowhead. I have heard nothing but wonderful things, and I have been welcomed with open arms. Thank you!!!
Before Bitterroot, I taught in Florida for three years. I loved my life there, but Montana is my true home. I have taught 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. I spent most of my career thus far in 4th, and it has become my favorite! I am happy that I will continue with that grade.
If you are reading this post, I am assuming that you received my before school letter. I can't wait to meet all of you on our first day together. Our classroom is the first one to the left through Door 8.
As mentioned in the letter, one thing I take great pride in is communicating to parents. I consider you a part of our Arrowhead team. Without you, my job becomes very difficult. It has been my experience that when there is a home-school connection children succeed. I look forward to building that with you.
My main source of communication will be this very blog. It is directed to you, the parent, but kids may also read it daily. When saying that, allow me to clarify. I am writing to ALL parents at the same time. I am NOT writing directly to you. I may, at times, post things that I need you to discuss with your child. That does NOT mean that YOUR child did something. It is just a classroom issue that needs reminding to all kiddos. If there is an out of character issue with your child in particular, please know that I will involve you personally and immediately. Again, communication is key! I religiously post daily. If I miss a day, it is because something really crazy has come up. After school, I sit down and post. It is usually up and ready to read by 4:30 p.m. I like to have it up before dinner time so you can avoid the dreaded "what did you do at school today" question and receive the even more dreaded response of "nothing!"In fact, I daily add in a dinner discussion topic just for this reason. With it, I will post a code word to write in their planner if they can have a good discussion with you. But, more on that later! I do NOT post of Fridays, but I post again on Saturday by 4:30. I have titled the blog, A Fly on the Wall, for a reason. I want you to feel like you are just that. I want you to have an inside look at what your child does all day. Therefore, I am often quite wordy and I post a ton of pictures, slideshows, and videos of your children in action. Hence, the permission slip attached to your first day letter. Kids love to see themselves online as well. This blog is not private, and may be accessed by the public. Which means, that grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, siblings away at college, or whomever takes an interest in your child may access it! Please share the address with those you love! I will never post a child's full name. I will use first names at all times. If your child is not able to be shown on the blog, I will make sure they are out of picture taking site when doing so. Lastly, I post quickly. Please forgive any grammatical or spelling errors you may find. The blog is to communicate needed information to you, and I often don't have time to go back over and proof read before going home.
You may also communicate with me via phone, email, or in person with an appointment. I try to respond within one working day. I check my email often, but don't often respond until I have a break in teaching. My first priority is your child's education. Please, please, please feel welcome to come talk about anything!
Snacks are allowed in class daily. They need to be healthy snacks that do not include candy, potato chips, or cookies. Things like nuts, fruit snacks, granola bars, crackers, yogurt, fruit, vegetables, hard boiled eggs, and so on are appropriate. Please make sure the snack is for ONE day only. Do not bring in a weeks worth of snacks at one time. We do not have storage space for that, and in the past it has brought on ants. I do have a small personal fridge in the classroom that kids may use to refrigerate items, but again making sure that they are in a daily proportion is key to space for all that need it. Also, please make sure that nuts and eggs are de-shelled BEFORE they come to school. It becomes a huge distraction to do those in class. We eat snack during our regular studies. It is not a special designated snack time. Therefore, kids need to be able to eat quickly, cleanly, and without distraction. We will discuss this in depth on day one.
Water bottles are highly recommended all year long. Please just send a standard one. Let's avoid a giant one or an odd shape. Just a regular cylinder bottle please. Kids will need to bring them home daily and refill at home. We are one of the lucky schools to have air conditioning (I was not so lucky at my last school!), but kids still need to keep hydrated after recess and throughout the day. Our bodies are 70% water, and each time we use energy to think it depletes our "tanks." Ice to start with is always a good idea. We will talk about refilling in class and the idea that what goes in will eventually need to come back out. Kids are allowed to use the restroom before school, during recess breaks, and at lunch.
As far as my behavior management system this year, I will use the "fake" money system. Kids will earn fake money for positive behavior choices and lose it for not so positive choices or spend it on a fun class activity or reward. We will talk more about this during our open house and future blog posts.
As you may notice off to the right of this blog, you will find your child's spelling words for the week and a daily specialist schedule. I try to post the following week's spelling words on Saturday. The test will be each Friday. I have already added the first unit. The test is not until September, but it is never to early to start practicing.
Specialists may look different this year. Now that your child is in the intermediate grades, they have added more time and different ones. Your child will now have Art each week, Health Enhancement (Health and PE) and Music twice a week, and Library for an hour instead of a half hour. They will also be given an actual grade in these subjects rather than a participation grade, except in library. The librarian and I collaborate closely and project grades in that class will be part of the subject that is being taught (reading, social studies, science, etc.) So, they are graded, but not as a singled out library grade. Actual assignments and projects will be given in all these subject areas. Wearing appropriate and safe PE shoes and bringing back library books are a must. Growing up is FUN!!!!!
I can't wait to meet all of you on our Meet and Greet night at Arrowhead Elementary School. It will be on Monday, August 26th from 4:45-5:45 p.m. Please bring in all supplies and permission slips at that time and drop them off. It makes it a lot easier if I can get the classroom stuff (kleenix, wipes, etc) put away before kids arrive to do their desk stuff. Students may also purchase their daily planner at this time for $5. Arrowhead only accepts cash or check.
Well, I am sure that you are either overly informed or totally overwhelmed right now. No need to worry. All of the above will be taught and practiced with your child throughout the entire first week. Procedures and building relationships will be the focus of our first three days together with a few academics intertwined within. Then...week two. We will be off and running!
Ms. Erickson