Thursday, December 12, 2013

A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well as the body. Benjamin Franklin

Hi there. In CC Meeting we talked about his amazing video. What a great display of having a character shield up and defending as an adult. We also tied this in with giving and receiving things that will last a lifetime. I shared with them how every year I give Emma and Beau their own gift card for their favorite restaurant (sit down, not fast food). This is one of their favorites because they know it means a date with just mom and one on one attention. I turn off my phone and just focus on them. Last year, I got a gift certificate for a free play outside and trampoline jump. Not really that great for me as an adult, but as a mom it meant the world to me. Just love when kids figure out that doing good for others feels so, so good to the one giving! Tis the Season!

Tauzha and Kevin were in the house today! They talked to the kids about dressing appropriate in MT and how the weather can seem warm, but exposed skin could still be in danger of damage. They shared some pretty icky pictures of what happens when skin is exposed too long to the winter weather (frostbite). They also shared that kids should help their parents get their car ready in case of an emergency. Water, blanket, food, and warm clothing is best to have in that trunk. Many kids shared that this already is in place. Well done. As much and as far as I drive I need to add blankets and water to my pack. Lastly, they talked about the windchill. They explained why we don't let them go outside even if it is above zero temperatures but below with the windchill. Frostbite could have happened in as fast as 10 minutes in the temperatures we had last week. Exposed skin is so sensitive to cold and numbness sets in quickly so we don't feel that cold. A HUGE thank you to them for taking time out of their busy day to come make a difference in the lives of kids and for the yummy cookies they brought too.

Tonight's homework is to do Dyna Math page 7. They don't have to do page 5, but they can try it if they want.

I told kids they could bring their sleds tomorrow for recess if they want to. They HAVE to have boots and snow pants to go sledding. We can share sleds, so if busses don't allow them it is ok. We will work it out. No worries, just fun!

We graded our listening activity today in class and then analyzed the results. Ask to see your child's activity sheet. They were told to bring it home. Did they listen???? :0) Ask them to share the activity and how they did. This wrapped up our listening unit in CC Meetings. If they do have it and share, write LISTENED in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

The Arrowhead music program is tomorrow. 4th graders do a concert in the spring with recorders. We also do one dealing with MT History later in the year. So, this year we take the year off for the holiday concert. We did go to the dress rehearsal yesterday and it was so darn cute. Enjoy it if you have kids in grades 1-3. Come will be packed! Both shows are in the morning. Spencer and Nicolas, don't forget to year your "Sunday Best" tomorrow, as you are helping out with the props in the show. A HUGE thank you and shout out to Mrs. Waddell for the amazing job she does. I taught with her at Bitterroot before, and I was always amazed at the ideas that come out of her head. Awesome!!!! She really pushes those kids to do their best in that field! Well done Mrs. Waddell!

Tennis shoes and library books tomorrow.

Have a wonderful evening. As for me...I an FINALLY going back home tonight! WooHoo!!!!