Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Don't Die Before You are Dead! (Love that one!) Live, live, live!

Hi there. Today was a GREAT day!!!! The kids got to go outside for morning walk and lunch recess. THEN...the grinch hit again! More snow. Oh well, it sure makes it look beautiful out there. Drive safely.

At the beginning of the year, the kids took the MAP NWEA test. We took the winter version today. I told kids their score that they earned at the beginning of the year. Kids are expected to grow 9 points in math in the course of the 4th grade year. So, today we added 5 points to their old score and that was what they were trying to get. And, get they got!!!! Wowzers! I am clearly WAY too good of a math teacher! Ha ha! These kids grew, grew, and grew some more and we are only half way done. When a child starts at a very high number, it is VERY hard to grow even higher. That was the case with a couple of kids. But, that is not a worry. Sometimes they just max out, and I need to work harder at challenging on their level. That is one of the reasons I wanted to take this test now. I now know who to challenge even more and I also know that what we are doing for the those that needed a little bit more is also working. I am soooooo proud of almost every single student. There were a couple that rushed, rushed, rushed and their score showed it. They could have done a lot better had they slowed down, used their white board to show their work, and weren't so quick to just click an answer. They were pretty disappointed in themselves too. That tells me that they will step it up a notch when we take it again at the end of the year. If you want to know how your child did, please text me and I will share their growth score with you! It is pretty darn exciting. Our top growth was 20 points (remember you only need 9 in a year!), and that was Trevor! Ty brought up the second score with 18 growth points. Tyler and Coewyn both had the third highest which was 15 points! Caden and McLean tied for the highest score with a 235. I asked them if they channeled in and used both of their "twin" brains. :0) Again, I am so proud of all kids! Well done! Now....we learn even MORE!!!!

Homework tonight is Dyna Math. Yep, it is back! Kids need to do pages 1 and 2. They also need to study for their multiplication, states and capitals, and spelling tests coming up.

Tauzha and Kevin will be back in the house on Thursday morning. They are coming during our CC meeting time to talk to kids about playing safely in the cold. This will include signs of too cold, how to dress, and what to do if something happens and they are stranded in the cold (car broke down, locked out, etc.) We welcome them back!

Please remember to send in those donations for all the acts of kindness going on. Please see the information sheets in the Tuesday folders. A small act goes a long way. So many of the items can be picked up at the dollar store. (I picked up 5 pairs of gloves there last night.)

I think that about covers it for today. Have a wonderful snowy night. Snowpants in the morning, so we can play in that fresh snow!!!! :0)

Ms. Erickson