Monday, September 23, 2013

"I believe that good things come to those who work." (Wilt Chamberlain)

Hello there!!!! Man, we had a PACKED day today!

In math, we worked on making change. The hardest part the kids had was subtracting by regrouping across zeros. So, when taking a ten dollar bill and then subtracting $3.21 from it, they have to regroup the ten dollars across the zeroes to get ten in the ones column. Yowzers!!! Practicing this at home would be a great help. Only three people were able to show mastery with the Difficult Problems First. Everyone else, did a few more practice problems. I had many kids at the back table working with me. Which is AWESOME!!! I love when kids need me! :0) They will get it! We will practice, practice, practice all year long on our review tests.

Saturday Live is this weekend. The  committee says the basket is looking GREAT. We have over $300 in donations for fun places to eat! Thank you soooo much for all your help. I know that we will earn a ton for all our efforts! Please join us at Pioneer Park. So, so much fun!

Tennis shoes are needed tomorrow for PE.

There is NO cross country this Wednesday after school due to projected rainy and cold weather.

Midterms come home this Friday. Remember, you can get online and check your child's grades at anytime with their user name and password that I passed out at open house. Need a new one? Call the office please. I update grades daily as I correct assessments.

MAP testing is officially done. The last two make up tests were completed this morning. Yay!!!

Honor Choir announcements came home today. Congratulations to Haylee, Casasha, and Trevor for making it. What an honor. I am so proud of all the girls and boys that tried out. What a great risk taking opportunity. If your child did not make it in this year, please encourage them to keep singing and try out again next year. Unfortunately there is limited spots, which is a bummer. I am awaiting the news of my own 4th grade daughter to hear if she made it in as well. Fingers crossed.

I think that about sums it up for today. Have a great night!

Ms. Erickson