Wednesday, September 18, 2013

“Wish it, believe it, and it will be so.”

Hello there! In honor of Max, enjoy the Hump Day video below!!!! We are halfway through.

Classwork went better today, and not as much is coming home for most kiddos. Kids worked on a skill packet in spelling while I started our small group rotations in Lead 21. These smaller groups allow me to differentiate learning and reach all kids on THEIR level. They also allow us to really utilize the new technology we have at the iPads! Each group was able to really utilize them while reading today. Each time we just were not able to visualize a concept or understand it from the text written, we would Google it. I LOVED hearing all their Ah-ha moments and them having FUN while learning. This option will always be available to them as they work on their small group work. I also love it, because they even get to teach me things! The A group Googled some images of prehistoric cave drawings to understand how they helped bring stories to life and pass them on from generation to generation. Nolan, then connected to the Pictograph caves and how we are still learning about them today! B group Googled different country's flags in order to match a country's flag to its country. Taylor wanted to know who Emperor Akihito is in Japan, and why they celebrate his birthday on Dec. 23rd. Fun! Finally, S group Googled reggae music. Abi and Emily had never heard it before. They did not look all that impressed with it once hearing it. :0) All of these examples could not have been brought to life in this setting without individual ipads. So...a HUGE thank you for making that happen! We are excited to make them a part of our every day use!

Homework tonight is to finish up the spelling skill packets that they worked on in class. Some kids also needed more time finishing their Capital Building HR (Historical Reflection). I also gave them one more day to finish up their language assignments with Subjects and Predicates. Some kiddos still had not completed it for today. So, hopefully it gets done for tomorrow. We will quiz on the content tomorrow.

As far as the dinner table discussion question tonight, have your kids explain to you what the picture of Mr. Potato Head and the cupcakes is all about.  They should tell you that every time the class earns a compliment from another teacher besides myself, the compliment catcher gets to add in a piece of Mr. Potato Head. When he is filled up, they class earns a small treat from me. This time it was miniature cupcakes. It is not always a snack. Sometimes it is a pencil or extra recess. This class does an AWESOME job walking down the hall so quietly. We earn a lot of compliments then! WE even got one from Mrs. Meier!!!! Wowzers! If they can explain this, write the word COMPLIMENT in the planner for $10.

Tomorrow is picture day!!!! Please make sure ALL kiddos have their beautiful smile on tomorrow when they leave the house. :0) Everyone will have their picture taken.

Tomorrow is also Open House for parents from 6-7. I can't wait to share with all of you!

We are still collecting those Dinner Is Served gift cards for our Saturday Live basket. The last day to donate is THIS Friday. Please send those in if you are willing to do so. Thank you to all of those that have! I know the school appreciates it!!!

I think that about does it for tonight! Have a wonderful Wednesday night!!!!

Ms. Erickson