Thursday, January 23, 2014

"Love is the key to the world's problems." MLK, Jr.

Hi there.

Well, court is done and over with. Whew! All went well. Thanks for all the well wishes and thoughts. They were felt!

I came in afterward, and was honestly a little surprised at what I saw. The room was pretty messy. That is never a good sign. There was even a lot of frosting smashed into the carpet. That wasn't very fun to get down and clean up. :0( The report from Mr. Brown was ok. Seems a lot of money was taken from kids for talking. That is disappointing to hear, especially about the one student that I left a special note for to avoid certain behaviors on their desk. Sad :0(. We will talk about the day at CC tomorrow. I always like to hear their side of the story too. Not too impressed with what I see so far however. What happened to picking up ten pieces of garbage, stacking our chairs, and leaving the room better than when we came in???? Yikes! One report card was left on the counter. It is now on that child's desk. So, if your kiddo came home without one, that was probably theirs. :0(

Report card covers are due back tomorrow. Please keep everything that is inside, EXCEPT the permission slip for our Alberta Bair field trip next Monday. There is no cost (real or fake) to attend. All that is needed is your permission. Please return those tomorrow as well.

Homework tonight is a Rosa Parks Skill sheet. They need to read the front (should be a review from today's activities) and complete the back.

Tennis shoes and library books are needed for tomorrow.

Tonight is the Tech Extravaganza for parents from 6:00-7:30. If you attend, write TECH in the planner for $50 tomorrow. Enjoy!!!!

Lastly, I sure hope Caden had a great birthday! Thank you so much for my leftover slice of cookie pizza! I will enjoy it tomorrow with my lunch. How sweet of you to remember me. I am sorry I wasn't here in time to celebrate with you. :0)

Have a great evening.
Ms. Erickson