Hi there. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. It was nice to get out and take a walk this morning. We are heading out soon to try our hand at ice skating on a frozen pond down the road. That is just one of the best parts of living out in the country. Whatever you are doing, I hope that you are having a great time doing it!
This week, academics continue on.
Math: Subtracting fractions with unlike denominators, converting between improper fractions and mixed fractions, and then going back to adding and subtracting fractions and reducing fractions to the lowest terms. Wowzers!!!!
Lead 21: Finish up our Quarterly test and Unit 4. We will be reading the fiction selections in small groups. The kids did a great job on learning how to decide if a statement is fact or opinion. They now know that feelings and thoughts of a person are opinions, and that even if we agree with an opinion it does not make it factual. That was a tough one for many of them to realize.
Spelling: Words with k sounds. Those that got a 100% on the last test will be offered an alternate list on a more challenging level.
Language: Helping, Linking, and Action verbs along with subject and object pronouns.
S.S.-Finishing up Civil Rights projects and project boards.
Science: Animal Reports are due on the 29th. We will also be going to a presentation on Science Fair projects on Wednesday. It will help a TON when it comes time to do theirs. All students will be required to do a science fair project. Information will come home from Mrs. Auch soon.
CC Meeting-Finish up civil rights and review our 4th grade EQ expectations. After our not so successful day with a substitute, I found that we need to review the EQ expectations that we created in the beginning of the year. Many kids have forgotten some of them.
Our Civil Rights unit is going great. I have quite a few fun recording to share with you, but am waiting until they are all done. On Friday, I had the kids do a voice project. They were all given a poem about Rosa Parks. They then got into groups and were given a secret envelope. Inside each envelope was a type of voice. The kids then had to read the same poem but in different voices. We had hard rock, cheerleaders, opera, western/country, slow and gentle, depressing, and rap. I have not laughed this hard and at the same time been so impressed with the level of creativity for a long time. This is one of those moments that I realize that having fun with kids and learning at the same time is what I believe teaching is often all about. I do love my job! Once I get all the projects done, we will have a showcase to share them all. Be watching for more information in the Tuesday Folder this week.
This Thursday is Arrowhead Reef Night. It is $10 a person. $4 of that goes back to Arrowhead. If you attend, please mention that you are there for Arrowhead night so they get the credit. Hope to see you all there. Slip, slide, FUN!
Ty was the star of the week this week. He shared his rock collection along with a fun lego that he built in five minutes on Christmas morning. Wow! It was fun to see another side of Ty that we didn't know before. Thanks for sharing with us Ty.
Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. Our room mom has some great ideas to make the day fun. We will be celebrating on February 13, 2014 from 11 to noon. It is a half day on this day, so we will enjoy the hour right before we leave. One of the things the kids will be doing is having a Valentine's box contest. Kids need to create some kind of box to collect their valentines in. The sky is the limit on this one. There are no rules besides making them school appropriate. Kids need to bring them in on February 13th. They may also create Valentine's Day cards for their classmates and teachers. A list will come home in the Tuesday folders. Students that choose to do this, must have a card for every classmate. They may make extra ones for friends or teachers of their choice, but they must have one for every student in our classroom. Again, the sky is the limit on these. More details will come as I hear them from our room mom. If you are wanting to help out in any way, please contact Chase's mom.
We have a field trip on Monday to the Alberta Bair. We leave around noon. Kids will eat lunch before we go. They may have a hot lunch from the lunchroom if choose too. They will NOT need a lunch to take with them. Again, we will eat at school.
Well, I think that about does it for today. Have a wonderful weekend.