Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Field Trip Tomorrow!

Hello there!

Tomorrow is the field trip to the Ranch! Kids need to bring a drink for their lunch. Lunch will be a hot dog, chips, watermelon, a deviled egg, and a homemade chocolate chip cookie. If your child doesn’t want that lunch, they will need to bring their own. Hats, sunscreen, and old shoes are a GREAT idea. Kids may wear shorts, but I recommend pants. It is tick season, and the branding will be done out in the taller grass and corrals.

We will leave right away and be back around 2 or 2:30. I will have my cell phone on the entire time, however there are places on the ranch that I don’t get service. Please feel free to call/leave a message/text if you need anything. Of course you can always call the school office as well and they know how to get ahold of me.

Kids MAY and are encouraged to bring electronics for the bus. They will be left on the bus during the actual trip.

This afternoon, the kids had a sub. I had court once again. Boy, can’t we all just get along? :0) Homework is a language sheet. Still having some kiddos leaving out those basic capitalization and punctuation marks. Please feel free to check them and have a discussion if you can.

We took the final states and capitals test today. I LOVED how excited they all were to take it. Awesome. I should have them graded/posted by Friday at the latest. Some kids even took on the bonus of labeling all 50 states on a map. Those that get a 100% will earn 10 points added to their lowest SS grade. Those that miss one or two will earn 5 points. So proud of them for taking the risk. It does not hurt their grade at all. It can only help! There will be no more units or regional studies for this year.

Just a reminder for the Rusty shirts for the wiffle ball tournament. Many brought in their orders today. This is going to be sooooo fun! I will collect orders through Friday and then place the order.

I decided to save all the field day pictures to combine them with the ranch ones. Stay tuned…

Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Erickson