The rest of the slideshow is of Field Day and our Ranch Field Trip. Two awesome adventures! Enjoy!
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Caden was our star of the week last week. He shared some fun things with us. I never knew he was a Viking Fan. All this time, I thought he was a Bronco fan. Who knew! Thanks for sharing with us Caden.
We have two weeks of the 4th grade left. I can't believe it! Where did the year go? We will wrap up our academics this week. This is the last week of spelling. We will focus a lot on Montana History and finish up the Lewis and Clark Journey. We will be ready for our field trip to Pompey's Pillar the last week. I can't wait! I heard from our Pen-Pal teacher that they have new activities this year too. Awesome!
Since we were on our Field Trip to Hardin when the school did their school wide bike trip, we will be doing one on our own the last week of school. On the last Thursday, after lunch, we will travel down the bike trail and backroads to Spinners Yogurt shop to have some treats. We will have plenty of chaperones and Coewyn's dad has agreed to follow us with his truck in case anyone needs picked up or fixed up along the way. He will also transport the two students that shared that they would rather not ride to the shop. Please make sure your child's bike is ready to go and that they have a safe helmet by that day. If you need help doing this, please let me know BEFORE that day. We do have some kids with extra helmets and bikes. Please think ahead to next week, and let me know your child's situation by writing one of three things please for $50 tomorrow...
GOOD-Meaning your child will have a working bike and a helmet.
BIKE-If your child has a helmet but will need a working bike.
HELMET-If your child has a working bike, but will need a helmet.
NONE-Your child will need both a working bike and a helmet.
Permission slips will come home in the Tuesday folder. If you would like to ride along with us as well, please write me a note in the planner. We will be gone from 12:30 to 2:00ish. I am in the works with figuring out the cost of yogurt for each child. They will need to bring their money that day. Please see the permission slip tomorrow with those details.
As the school year winds down, I will be finishing up 4th quarter grades and report cards. Please check to see that your child has NO missing assignments online. They know that I will not chase them down on these. It is their responsibility. Missing assignments are the fastest way to drop a grade.