Sunday, May 4, 2014

“To be in your children's memories tomorrow, You have to be in their lives today.” ― Barbara Johnson

Happy Mother's Day Week! Being a mom or a dad is the absolute best paying job in the world. I wouldn't trade it for anything, and it is a passion that never gets old. One thing that does get old however, is the fact that our kids are getting old, which in turn makes us really old. If only they could stay little for longer. We blink, and they are taller than us. We blink and they are smarter than us (or so they think). All I want to do sometimes is just blink and be back in my rocking chair holding two tiny bundles of joy that look at me like I am the only person in their world. Instead, I wake up to go, go, go. Soccer games, farming, school functions, soccer practice, playdates and more. Love it, but where does all the time go? When I find myself being an overwhelmed mom, I love to listen to this song. It reminds me to just stop and listen to them giggle. Our big kids are just like those tiny bundles of joy. They just have to be told to stop, live, and be little! Enjoy!

To celebrate Mother's and Father's Day, kids will become a parent to a hard boiled egg for a day. We will do this "Baby Egg Day" on Friday. I have already told the class a little bit about this day, but will explain more this week. This will be a real world activity along with a full day of regular academics. As parents, we know that the regular world doesn't stop when we have kids. Kids will have to use their fake money on this day. There will be doctor's visits, medical insurance, babysitting fees, and even a ransom fee if they are not watchful over their baby at all times. Wherever the parent goes, so does the kid. I have asked kids to look around home for a small something that they could use for a crib. The baby egg will stay in here when a child is at their desk. If they move away from their desk, even for a second, they will have to take little jr along with them. Otherwise, mean ole Ms. Erickson just might kidnap it. Kids will bring their egg to life during CC meeting on Friday. They will put a face on it, name it, weigh it, find its circumference, and add any other item they may have brought from home, such as a hair ribbon or a bow tie. Don't worry, I will take plenty of pictures that day! It never fails though that at least one egg rolls off a desk within the first minute that I distribute them. That doesn't make for a very pretty family picture, but as I tell them…accidents happen all the time in the world of kids. Recess and lunch are always a fun time. :0) There is always one that thinks a hard boiled egg can survive a ride down a slide. :0( You will get to meet your child that night. I do allow them to bring them home to share with you. Please don't allow little jr to be eaten. Yuck!  I guess that means you are a grandma or a grandpa for a day. Yikes!

On Friday, we will also play the guess who baby picture game. I will show a baby picture, and the kids will have to guess who it is. Your children are soooooo adorable! If you still need to send one in, no worries. We won't do it until Friday.

This Tuesday and Wednesday, we will be taking our last standardized test of the year, Smarter Balance. As I have stated before, this is a pilot test this year. It is a test to test the test. I think it is such an honor to be a part of making a standardized test for all future 4th graders. Kids need to do their very best on the test, as they always do. We will test all day with many break in between. Kids that are absent will have to make it up with a group of other kids. Last one….woohoo!

This week, we will also be putting a heavy emphasis on reading our Riding Freedom novel, and on the Lewis and Clark expedition. While resting on my couch this weekend, I created a very cool unit for this subject.We will be  exploring the trail with a strong American Indian Influence, and we will take a look at just how important MT Natives and Sacagawea were to putting Montana on the map.  Kids will have a novel that they will be periodically assigned to read parts of to re-enforce the topics we covered in class. There will be many hands on activities along the way. This will end our MT History unit for the year. We will celebrate by going to Pompey's Pillar in June. Everything we learn, will come to life there. The museum is sooooooo cool. It is totally interactive, so kids can actually see, touch, and wear history! I have chaperones for History Day in Huntley, for the Grewell Ranch, but I still need one for Pompey's Pillar. Please write me a note in the planner if you can do this trip. Dates are written off to the side of blog. Or text me.

I do have some pictures to share with you, but I believe my camera is on my desk at school. I am going to Nicolas's piano recital today, so I will swing by and see if I can't find it. I know it has some cool pictures of Spencer sharing some really neat things for his star of the week presentation.

As for my health, I am doing sooooooo much better. I probably should have listened to EVERYONE and taken a few days off last week to just rest, but I am stubborn when it comes to getting a sub. I just thought I could do it, and I did. However, now after resting for three days straight, I am kicking myself at how much better I could have felt earlier. Oh well, live and learn. It is rare for me to get sick, so when I do I turn into Super Ms. Erickson! Thank you all so much for all your encouragement and well wishes. They meant a lot to me.

Speaking of Super Heroes….on Thursday kids get to dress up as their favorite super hero. It is in honor of all the amazing staff that work at Arrowhead. I am continually amazed at the length teachers here go to help kids be the best they can be. I am so proud to work along side them. I know it will be hard to find a costume for Ms. Erickson, but I am sure your kiddo will come up with something. :0) Hee Hee.

On Friday, our room mom has requested a half hour of time for a little something she has up her sleeve. I am not a big fan of being the center of attention, but I have agreed. So, we will take time out to do a fun little activity that she has planned with the kids. I will tell you, I was so petrified to come to Arrowhead. On my transfer slip from Bitterroot, I actually wrote I would go anywhere on the west end EXCEPT Arrowhead. And where did my path take me? To Arrowhead. I am a big believer in things happen for a reason, and now I know why. Arrowhead has been such a wonderful fit for me. All of the things I was afraid of have now become major blessings in my life. Teaching with professionals in an atmosphere that demands high expectations, working with kids that absolutely love to learn, and making new friends with their parents has been such a blessing in my life. Such a blessing. I have grown as a teacher and my passion for my profession is stronger than ever. Since I was a little girl, I knew I was born to teach. I absolutely love it, and I hope that I have shared that passion for learning with your child as well. Thank you for inspiring me to be a better me!

I hope that you enjoy your Sunday! We actually have a full week of school this week. Yay!
Ms. Erickson