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Hello there. As you can see from above we had a great time learning about 4 different animals and some special adaptations they each have in order to survive. From unlocking jaws, to camouflage, to webbed feet it was awesome! A HUGE thank you to PTA for bringing this to us, and a HUGE thank you to all those that donated to help the tigers have a new home at Zoo Montana. Jeff the Zoo Guy was blown away! Nice work Arrowhead!
Homework tonight is to study spelling words and states and capitals. The West regional test is this Friday and the 50 states and capitals one is this coming Monday. The last test (all 50) will not have the map portion. They only have to be able to match the state with the correct capital. There are MANY online games and free apps to help accomplish this.
In Montana History we took off down the trail with Lewis and Clark. They reported seeing some new animals. One was the coyote. Another was the American badger. The final one was the Pelican. Ask your child how many gallons of water this bird can hold in its mouth at one time. If they can tell you, write the answer in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
We are reading the last chapter of Riding Freedom tomorrow. Yay!!!!! Charlotte now has her ranch and Hayward came for a visit. She was also able to vote for the president of the United States of America. Does this make her the first woman to vote???? Awesome!
Mr. Pertuit has a request. He is in need of some parent volunteers for field day. He needs help setting up, manning stations, and cleaning up. The hours are from 12:40-3:15. Can you help out the entire time, part of the time, or not at all. Please write one of the above in the planner for $10 tomorrow. If you can help, I will pass your name onto him and he will get in touch with you. Thanks!
Just a reminder that the Lottery Extended Studies meeting is tonight at 7:00 at Poly Drive Elementary. This is only if you are interested in your child being selected for the all day gifted program. It is not at Arrowhead, so if selected, your child would attend a different school. It is an amazing opportunity and great program. Check it out if you want more information. (This includes all the students that just qualified for extended studies). If they are not chosen or you do not attend, your child will continue to be in the one day a week, pull out program we offer here at Arrowhead.
Tuesday folders came home tonight. Inside you will find a lot of summer opportunities for your child. There is also the field trip permission slip for our Ranch field trip on May 22nd. Please fill out and return tomorrow. Those that do, will earn $50. There is no charge (real money) for this trip. A HUGE thank you to Indian Education For All for picking up the $300 tab!
I sure enjoyed seeing all those You Are What You Eat pictures today. Too funny! You can tell it is summer time! Baseball, soccer, and all the other sports put a limit on what we can fix for kids. It is often a drive through run through and out the door they go. It is awesome how many people have healthy snacks and fruit with it though. Great job to everyone! I think I forgot to put the fun video on the blog yesterday. So, here it is. :0)
Lastly, Mr. Pertuit challenged the kids today in health class. They had to come up with one bad habit they have and design a plan to help break it. I know Spencer is trying not to pop his knuckles. BELIEVE Spencer! What did your child decide to do? Ask them. If they can tell you, write PERTUIT in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
Have a fantastic night!
Ms. Erickson