Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Birthdays Galore!

Happy Birthday to Liam and Casasha this week! Two in one week, can you say sugar high! :0) Liam started us off this week with delicious donuts and Casasha raked in the money selling cupcakes and juice. I hope they both had a grLieat birthday at school!

I put a list of upcoming events off to the right of the blog. Please take a minute to update your calendar. The recorder concert date was changed at some time. I can't remember what I told you last. This is the for sure one though.

Thanks for finding those baby pictures. They are adorable! This will be a fun game. I had to look on a couple of them myself. I will send them back home as soon as I finish scanning them into the slideshow. :0)

Thanks also for sending in the $7 for the field trip. If you didn't, no worries. Just send it in anytime before we go.

There is no homework tonight. Play outside. :0)

Tomorrow is our last day of school for the week. There is no school on Friday. Even teacher's get the day off. Yay! Finally a day to sleep and get better. Only alternate spellers have a test tomorrow.

Some kids didn't finish their reading assignment in class. It was board work to go with Ch. 4. So, here is a picture of it if they need to finish up.

Library books are due back tomorrow if they are done with them.

It was so nice having lunch with all the volunteers today. As I have said a million times before, WOW! This school is so supported and it makes a HUGE difference!

Have a wonderful evening. I will be spending mine in a doctors office. I am pretty sure I have added walking pneumonia to my list of sicknesses this week. Good grief. Just want to get better. Soon, soon, soon. :0) I refuse to take a day off to sit home. As long as I am not contagious…I am here. :0) Crazy Ms. Erickson!