Monday, October 28, 2013

"Children are our most valuable resource." Herbert Hoover, US President

Hi there. What do you get when you have a Monday and add tons of tons of snow? Very well behaved kids!!!!! At least in room E4 that was the case. Way to go Erickson crew! Thanks for having that sit down talk with your kiddo last night. It made all the difference.

We finished up the Little House movie today. Kids got to see the withdrawl symptoms in action. I am guessing that they won't ever want to go through that, and the one on the screen was probably nothing compared to the real deal. :0(

The Red Ribbon slogan posters were a hoot! What creative kiddos you have! We graded them together at CC Meeting. Everyone did a great job.

Tonight's homework is DynaMath. It is a scholastic news magazine with a twist. There are math problems intertwined in the current events articles. Kids need to do pages 1-3 tonight. We will do a few pages each night this week for homework. Kids know not to work ahead or to fall behind. They MAY use calculators if they choose/need to. They will need to be able to tell me HOW they solved it in class however.

Today in math we started multiplication. We learned how to multiply by factors or ten, one hundred, or one thousand. For example, 8 x 3000 = ? Have your child take you through the two step process to solve this. They should be able to say the following: Step One: Find the easy, basic multiplication problem (8 x 3). That equals 24. Step Two: Add the zeros. So they should have seen that 3000 had three zeros and added them to the 24 in step one. Therefore, finding the final product of 24,000. Yay! If they can show you how to do this, write EASY in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

We started our realistic fiction writing piece in class today. Kids selected two locations (settings) for their Halloween story to take place. They also brainstormed some realistic nouns that will be included in our story. Then, the kids selected ten of their Halloween spelling words to use in the story. Finally, they brainstormed the characters that would be in their story. Tomorrow, we will begin to write our rough drafts. Those will come home tomorrow night to proofread with you. Please help kids edit those for grammar and spelling mistakes. For me to do all of them at home by myself would not have any meaning for the kids. It is the discussion piece from you that is going to help make them better writers in the future. I appreciate your help with this tomorrow night. :0)

We have gym tomorrow. I share with kids that our gym floor is so nice and new. We talked about how wearing our gym shoes in the slush and snow is not a good idea. They know to wear other shoes and keep dry gym shoes in their backpacks instead.

Well, that about does it for tonight. Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Erickson