Wednesday, October 9, 2013

The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. Walt Disney

Happy Hump Day!

First and foremost...I LOVE teaching your kids. They are so kind and good hearted. They love to learn, and they love to share with me. I enjoy every single second...yes, even the seconds that drive me crazy! :0) Thank you for trusting your most prized treasures with me!

Tomorrow is the Fallen Rock Final test. Kids need to square away their answers tonight, so they are ready for tomorrow. They have their study guides already at home. Tonight for homework, kids also need to read Selection 2 in their leveled books. They need to make sure to read the captions, graphs, and text. They can read with you, to you, or you may read to them. They should be learning something new about heritage. This is our last reading about this topic.

In math today, we finished up our unit on decimals. Kids now should be able to show mastery on reading, writing, saying, finding value, rounding, and comparing decimals. That means that we are ready to do just that. We will take our final assessment on these standards tomorrow. They are doing great and can convert numbers from a decimal to a fraction to a word form very well. Wowzers!!!

In reading today, we took time to write Tauzha a thank you letter. Part of this consisted of a small heritage lesson. We discovered that our names mean different things. For example, when googling my name, it turns out that it means palm tree. It also means that I like to control others. Yikes! Not sure that one is true...I hope. Tauzha doesn't mean anything however, so part of the kids thank you letter assignment is to figure out what it could mean knowing her like they do. For example, I said it probably means courage. Then kids had to write statements of evidence for why they thought what they did. They also had to pick ONE character trait that she possesses. Many kids chose caring and responsibility. I could totally see where their evidence would go on these ones. :0) One might say, how is this a reading? Common core tells us that in the 4th grade one of the most important standards for kids to learn is to state an opinion about something and back it with sound evidence. They got it. :0) Ask your child what their name meant, or look it up together. If you do this, write NAME in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Today was walk/bike to school day. All kids did this or walked the morning circle if they rode a bus. Therefore, everyone was entered into the drawing for our classroom prizes. Congrats to those that won!   If your child is in need of a new helmet, please send them to Mr. Pertuit. He has a limited supply and will even fit it. He can also help out with fitting their current ones.

Lastly, PTA needs your help. The Halloween Family Fun Night is on Friday, Oct. 25th. One of the games is a cupcake walk. They are in need of cupcake donations. I am donating 2 dozen. Can anyone join me in helping out? If so, could you write what you are willing to send in the planner for $20 tomorrow and I will pass it on to the appropriate person. Fun, fun, fun...but not so much fun if you don't have cupcakes to win.

Have a great night!
Ms. Erickson