Thursday, October 31, 2013

I BELIEVE I am the LUCKIEST teacher in the world!!!!

Hello there. I have so much to say but I gotta just say this for today...I am so blessed to be teaching these kids! Your generosity, kind words, gifts, emails, and texts are overwhelming. I am so, so blessed and I had a wonderful birthday!

Kids have no homework tonight (unless they did not finish their math). Safe trick-or-treating!!!

I have a million pictures to share from Dry Ice Day, but that will have to wait until this weekend's post. It was so, so, so much fun though. Does dry ice melt????? Ask your kiddo. They should say NO! It evaporates. If they do, write DRYICE in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

A HUGE thank you to Haylee, Abi, Casasha, and Max's moms for all the yummy healthy treats. They were perfect! A BIG HUGE thank you to our room mom, Chase's mom, for organizing that.

Well folks, I am wrapping it up early. I am going to go eat at Buffalo Wild Wings (Thanks Abi's Family), slip over to Candy Town (Thanks Haylee's Family) for my second carmel apple for the day (Thanks Trevor's Family for my homemade super carmelly first one!), then to Target to buy a new outfit for school (Thanks Casasha's Family) that will match my beautiful new scarf (Thanks Max's Family) and then go trick or treating with my kiddos to collect even more candy to add to the pack I got at school (Thanks Spencer's Family). Upon arrival at home, I will plug in my new BELIEVE scentsy pot and find some "Inner Peace"(Thank you Taryn's Family), sit down with my laptop and find  the book that my older sister wanted me to read and order it on Amazon (Thank you Casasha's Family),  all why eating some delicious mint/caramel ice cream (Thank you Haylee's Family), drinking my Mt. Dew (Thank you Spencer's Family) out of my new "Don't follow your dreams, chase them" cup (Thanks Max's Family). Just when you think I couldn't do anymore...I will for sure need a break. So, I will have some hot tea in my new mug and eat a few Take 5 Candy Bars (Thanks Amanda's Family) while I admire my flowers (Thanks Mrs. Moore's Family) and ( My Bitterroot Elementary Family). This weekend, when I am kid and holiday free, I will enjoy a nice dinner with Zachary at Rib and Chop House (Thank you Coewyn's Family) and remember eating my delicious tootsie pop while grading papers last night (Thanks Taylor!) Then, I will go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again!!!!! Life is good when you turn 40!!!!!!

Before I say goodbye, allow me to share just why the paragraph above is so touching to me. Three years ago, my little sister, who was also my best friend, and I made a pact to celebrate my 40th birthday in Ireland. I have always dreamed of going there, and I will some day! Unfortunately, I lost my sister two years ago. So, this morning I was a little sad waking up remembering that pact. Then, I got busy living and look how absolutely amazing all of you were to me. My Bitterroot friends even remembered this and sent me all green flowers as if they were bringing Ireland to me. My heart melts at the kindness people around me display. I have absolutely loved moving to Arrowhead, and I adore each and every child for all different reasons. Thank you again for being all of you, so I can be a better me!

Peace out Little and Big Diamonds!
Be Safe Tonight!
Ms. Erickson