Hello there! Sweats were in the house today!!!! I am loving all this school spirit!!! Tomorrow is our last day of Red Ribbon Week. Kids are encouraged to wear their favorite sports team gear to school tomorrow. Of course in this class, acceptable favorite teams are: GRIZ, Steelers, or Senior High Bronc gear. :0) Just kidding. All teams are welcome and encouraged!!! What is YOUR favorite team? Write it in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
It is also Kaitlyn's Voice Day tomorrow. Kids may wear a hat ALL day long for a $1 donation to this amazing cause. Kaitlyn is a student at Arrowhead. All the money earned will go towards equipment to help her be even more successful at school than she already is!!! I am thinking my cowgirl hat will be on my head tomorrow for sure!!!
Tomorrow night is the Arrowhead Family Fun Night. The following people need to make sure they bring in their cupcakes for the cupcake walk tomorrow morning or to the booth BEFORE 6:00. Thank you so much for your help and time on this one. :0) I can't wait to see all those costumes. I will be camera ready to take picture for the blog, so make sure to come get one with me!!!
Max Kimbell-1 dozen
Jen Sanders-1 dozen
Abigale Olson- 1 dozen
Casasha Swanson-Wallace- 2 dozen
Taryn Vestel-1 dozen
Haylee Haarr-1 dozen
Coewyn Crawford-2 dozen
Chase Egan-1 dozen.
Trevor-1 dozen
Ms. Erickson- 2 dozen
Today we had three students from Senior High come in and share their stories of how, why, and when they became hooked on drugs. It was extremely powerful!!! It is always more real when kids hear it from kids not much older then themselves, and that they started at their age. One of the students started in the 6th grade. After they left, it got really powerful. We spent about a half hour just debriefing. It was awesome that the kids just wondered why in the world anyone would even start to do drugs or why drugs were even invented in the first place. Sadly, I had to answer that with the simple word...money. It is all about money! :0(
Tomorrow, we will finish up our classroom lessons with our Little House on the Prairie movie. We will watch part one tomorrow and part two on Monday. I got the popcorn and the drinks. :0) Please see last Saturday's post if you need more details on what this movie will be about, as I describe it there. There is a sticker in your child's planner. Please mark yes or no to giving permission or not to view the episode with us. It is rated G, but there are some intense scenes that come along with drug addiction. It is absolutely grade appropriate, but I want it to be your choice. Students that don't have permission will have an alternate setting for the hour on each day.
Homework tonight is to study for spelling tests and to do page 65, 1-8 in spelling. (They have to learn to make Cabbage Soup!!!!)
Well, that about sums it all up. Have a wonderful evening. Remember, please email me a picture of your child with their carved pumpkin to share on the blog!!! Those that do will earn $50. :0)
I will wrap up the blog tonight by posting this amazing picture. Miss. Haylee has caught the BELIEVE bug too!!!! LOVE it, and LOVE that she was excited to show me!!!! You have EXCELLENT taste in clothes young lady!
Ms. Erickson