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Well folks, as you can see we had another great field trip today. We received compliments from our presenters and from Fuddruckers. Way to go kids. You represented Arrowhead so well, and I was so proud to be your teacher!
In reading, we read a fun Amelia Bedilia Halloween story. I love these books because they are packed with idioms. That is one of our figurative language standards in the 4th grade. After we read it, I passed out cards with the idioms on them and another one that had the meaning of the idiom on it. They had to travel the room and find the correct match. We finally shared them all with the class.
Our red pens came out in language class today. The final drafts have begun. Writing in pen makes everything more official! I can't thank you enough for all the editing last night. I can tell that you had some great discussions. Hopefully next time we write a rough draft, the same mistakes won't be made again. Again, thank you so much! Those that didn't get edited last night are coming home tonight to get caught up. Final drafts will be finished up at school tomorrow. We will share them all on Friday. I can't wait to hear...especially since my name is in a lot of them. :0)
Tomorrow is Halloween!!!!! Arrowhead is celebrating by having an orange and black dress up day tomorrow. Kids are encouraged to wear as much of these colors as possible. AND...they are NOT encouraged to wear ALL black in honor of Ms. Erickson being over the hill! :0)
Homework tonight is two-fold. One part is their DynaMath magazine. They need to go Egyptian style and write and read some Hieroglyphics. Pages 6 and 7 are due tomorrow. The other assignment involves making a cookie. This has nothing to do with the fake money system we use in class. This is a math concept. Kids will actually be able to make their cookie IF and only IF they have all their math exactly correct. If cookie for them until they get it right! :0)
Tomorrow is Dry Ice Day. We will be doing many experiments that involve this amazing scientific substance. However, we will NOT be touching it at all. WE will be doing a safety lesson before we begin. No worries, safety first! As I explained a month ago on the blog, this event had a $350 buy in amount. Some kiddos were not able to buy in. Please ask your child if they were able to buy in. If they say no, ask them why. There is NO reason for kids not to have money in this classroom. If they don't, then they have been loosing way too much for three reasons: missing work or homework, planner not being signed, or talking or goofing around in class. Hopefully everyone is able to get back on track and join in on the next fun event. If you have this discussion with your kiddos write yes if they were able to buy in or no if they were not. Those that were not will have an alternate placement tomorrow.
Today was Riley's 10th birthday!!! I sure hope he does something fun tonight. Having a field trip on your birthday...pretty darn cool! He brought in some delicious pumpkin cookies to sell to the class. He banked the cash! Way to go Riley! Have a wonderful night and I hope you enjoyed your Dr. Pepper in class! :0)
Have a wonderful evening tonight!
Ms. Erickson
Tomorrow is Dry Ice Day. We will be doing many experiments that involve this amazing scientific substance. However, we will NOT be touching it at all. WE will be doing a safety lesson before we begin. No worries, safety first! As I explained a month ago on the blog, this event had a $350 buy in amount. Some kiddos were not able to buy in. Please ask your child if they were able to buy in. If they say no, ask them why. There is NO reason for kids not to have money in this classroom. If they don't, then they have been loosing way too much for three reasons: missing work or homework, planner not being signed, or talking or goofing around in class. Hopefully everyone is able to get back on track and join in on the next fun event. If you have this discussion with your kiddos write yes if they were able to buy in or no if they were not. Those that were not will have an alternate placement tomorrow.
Today was Riley's 10th birthday!!! I sure hope he does something fun tonight. Having a field trip on your birthday...pretty darn cool! He brought in some delicious pumpkin cookies to sell to the class. He banked the cash! Way to go Riley! Have a wonderful night and I hope you enjoyed your Dr. Pepper in class! :0)
Have a wonderful evening tonight!
Ms. Erickson