Saturday, November 16, 2013

I am Thankful for a Job I LOVE!

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Happy Weekend! I am alive!!!! I shared with the kids that I was going hunting this morning on top of a horse. I am highly allergic to horses. Luckily, I didn't have to go after all. Too cold for this Florida blooded girl. :0)

I am happy to announce that we have solved the talking problem. I can't believe I am typing this, but I BELIEVE I am. It was MY fault!!!! After talking with my fellow 4th grade teachers, it slapped me in the face. I have NOT been following through. Ahhhhhh!!!! Once I started to follow through with the talking out, by issuing the appropriate fine no matter what, it magically disappeared. It seriously was like magic! And I knew it all along. Has that ever happened to you? So, so weird when you just figure it all out.

In CC Meetings this week, Rusty will focus on the skill of listening. With my grant that I received from the Arrowhead PTA this year, I was able to buy some fun books about this very topic. I am looking forward to this one!

Academically this week...

Math: We will show mastery on all of our multiplication skills. We will also begin our studies in converting measurement types including: minutes, hours, seconds, grams, liters, and meters. Fun, fun, fun! We will once again have our 3 minute multiplication test on Friday. Congratulations to McLean for joining the 100% club! You are excused from further testing in this area!!! Way to go buddy!

Reading: We will focus on cause and effect, making inferences and predictions as 4th graders, clarifying words, and writing/answering literal/inferential questions. We will continue our LEAD 21 studies in SS this week as the topic is the NE region. I LOVE when we can have text to text connections! It makes learning come to life and have even more meaning! We will also complete our endangered animal inquiry projects. What animal did your child pick? Ask them. If they can tell you write it in the planner for $10 on Monday.

Language: We will do review lessons this week on all the skills we have learned thus far through our daily Daily Oral Language boards. We will practice all week, and then quiz out at the end.

Spelling: or and ur sounds.

S.S.: NE states and capitals test is THIS Monday. There will be no surprises. I shared the exact test with all kids. MT History-we will finish up with the state symbols by doing the flags of MT and the Crow Indians.

Science: Origami hurricanes!!!!

Taryn was our star of the week this week. She is an avid GRIZ fan! She also is a collector of quarters. I never even knew there were National Park ones! Who knew??? Taryn also loves to play basketball. She shared her new jersey with us. Quite sparkly!!! Thanks for sharing with us Taryn!

It was Donuts with Dads last week. It was so fun to walk around and see the proud faces of so many dads. I tried to get everyone, but I think I may have missed a few family pictures. I apologize for that. It was one packed house!!! Thanks for loving those kids so much dads!

Fitness Club was quite WOW!!!! I am one sore girl today!!! I look forward to next Friday too! Yep, I am going back for more. :0)

Next Thursday, I will be gone. I will be in court all day. The kids will have a guest teacher. This is the first time they will have a sub, but I BELIEVE they will do great!

Next Friday, we will have a reward coupon buy in. Kids will be able to use their fake money to buy fun coupons that they may use when ever they want to. These include things like a free homework pass, have a beverage besides water on their desk for a day, eat lunch with a friend or little brother or sister, sit at the teacher's desk, and many more. They don't expire and must be present the day they use them. If coupon is lost, it is gone for good. I will not replace them. We talked at CC meeting about if a ticket booth would give you another one if you walked up to them and said that you lost it. Nope, nope, nope. I will also not buy coupons back. Once bought, they belong to the owner. Each coupon is $500. Students know to give themselves a budget and plan accordingly. We talked about how in life you should always have an emergency fund as a reserve. You never know when you will need some fast cash. I recommended they kept at least 500-1000 dollars. Kids are encouraged to spend, spend, spend though. This is why they work hard to earn it. They deserve it! Hopefully, everyone will be able to buy at least one. If not, kids need to really ask themselves why. We will have more opportunities in the future to do this again.

I leave you with a message from Mr. Pertuit. How SUPER exciting!!!!!! Character really does count in more than Ms. Erickson's Classroom and at home with you!!! We are soooooo lucky to have Mr. Pertuit at Arrowhead! I BELIEVE we can all be Iron Eagles!

As many of you are aware we have a fall fitness club for the 4th and 5th grade students. In addition to the club there is a new challenge called the IRON EAGLES. In order for the students to be a part of the IRON EAGLES they need to participate in as many club meetings as they can (or some other extracurricular with an exercise focus), maintain good grades in the classroom and all specialist classes, and show positive attitudes around the school (are they helping out teachers, students, being respectful, turning in work, etc...). They need to show good physical, mental, social, and emotional health at nearly all times in other words. Students will be rewarded and recognized for this achievement with spots on the bulletin board, the newsletter, and "member-only" IRON EAGLE wristbands (a great thing for the younger students to look forward to). I will send a list to each teacher of students able to receive this award in December and I only ask you send me back the names of students who have or have not met the requirements in your class. 

I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!