Tuesday, November 12, 2013

To Plant a Garden is to Believe in Tomorrow!

Hi there! Happy Tuesday!

It was a pretty basic day in the 4th grade. Kiddos selected their animals for their endangered species report. We will do the research in class this week. They will have some take home work to do over the weekend. I rarely give weekend homework, but this one needs some time at home. More on that later.

In computer lab today we worked hard on exiting out on addition on our xtramath program. Some kids are sooooo close. Tonight they HAVE to do two sessions (at least) for homework. I will be checking for completion on my screen tomorrow morning. We also practiced our states and capitals.

Also for homework tonight kids need to study their spelling words, practice their flashcards, and complete Page one and two in DynaMath!!! Yep it is back! Gotta love those!!!!

Tomorrow we will have our guest speakers from NY and Massachusetts. They will be great!

In math today we practiced our double digit by double digit math problems. Some kids aced that test and moved on to triple by triple! Wowzers!!!! They enjoyed the challenge. Kids had to check in after each problem with me before they could move onto the next. Between the volunteer and I we were able to get a lot of kiddos on the right track. A HUGE thank you also to McLean. He aced out so quickly, I appointed him as a third volunteer. He did great!!!!

Tuesday folders went home today. Inside you will find the multiplication test we took yesterday. Students had three minutes. We will test again this Friday. I would like them signed and returned. I want to compare them each week and make sure that studying is happening at home and scores are going up. Congratulations to Haylee and Spencer. They aced the test with a 100%. They do not have to take the test again!!!!

Barnes and Noble night is still needing volunteers. If you can donate an hour of time that night, please write YES 4 BARNES in the planner for $20. If not, write NO. I will then give the names to Max's mom and she will contact you to set up the schedule that works for you. What a great event, and I am sure your child would also be able to help along side you! Thanks.

Have a wonderful night with your kiddos!
Ms. Erickson