It is Veteran's Day (Rememberance Day) on Monday!!!!!!! This is one of my favorite days to be a teacher. There is sooooo much character involved on this day, and you know that is right up my alley. We will do some fun activities that help kids define and appreciate all that this holiday entails. Thank a soldier today!
In order to celebrate this holiday, I invite all students to wear red, white, and blue on Monday. Let's look like a human flag!!!! Those that do, will earn not only USA pride, but will also be $20 richer. :0)
There is a flower that people all around the world wear on Veteran's Day (Armistice Day). What is it? Have your kiddo research it with you. There is even a poem about it called, "Flander's Field." We will be using this flower on Monday. Write the name of the flower in the planner for $10 on Monday.
Here is a look at this week academically:
Math: Continue on with double by double digit multiplication and annexing those zeroes. Later in the week we will work with the elapsed time, and metric/customary units of measurement standards. By the end of the week, students should be able to identify which unit of measurement they would used to measure a given situation. THE BASIC MULTIPLICATION TIMED TEST IS THIS MONDAY! Kids need to know their basics 0-12 like they know their name. Thanks for practicing these all last week.
LEAD 21 Reading: We will be entering our last focus area for Unit 2: Endangered Animals. This is where one of our inquiry projects will come from. Each student will select an endangered animal and use technology and books to research some facts about it, including why it is endangered and how it is being helped to repopulate. Next weekend, kids will have the take home part of this to work on. They will need to create a poster with pictures only. The pictures will be clues as to what they will share with the class. They will not be able to use a script or notes. I want to know what they really know. More details and a grading rubric will come later this week.
Language-Action Verbs. We will quiz out of this on Thursday.
Spelling-Words that have the vowel + r sounds. We have three types this week. Ones that have an ear sound, an air sound, or an are sound. Test will be on Friday. Those that passed with a 100% last week will be able to add to our alternate group this week. Challenge, challenge. I even put some homophones on there this week too!!! No child is forced to do the alternate list. They may always go with the book words. Alternate words come from a 5th and 6th grade site. I am also hoping to have a guest speaker in spelling this week. One of the lessons in the book deals with fire safety. How cool would it be in a fireman actually came in and taught this. Boy....if we only knew one of those in our classroom??? Oh I know, Trevor's dad!!!! Thanks for doing this one for us Alan!!! :0) Fun!
Regional S.S.- We will begin our NE region. Kids will make their flashcards this week for their states and capitals. So many of them already know many of them, which is great!!! I will also share with them what the test looks like so there is no surprises. I have placed the list on the right of the blog as well for kids to use to study or make additional flashcards at home. The test will be next Monday. On Wednesday, I have arranged for both our class and Mrs. Auch's class to have some guest speakers come in. One is from Massachusetts, and the other is from New York. They will share their knowledge of why the NE region is so unique and some of the historical accounts that happened there that helped to form it into the region it is today. They will also share how it differs from the region Montana is found in. Pretty exciting to get first hand information!!!
MT History-We will press on with the State symbols.
Lastly, we will be having some students come in from Rocky Mountain College to do two lessons with us this week. They will be SS and Science based. I am sure they will be awesome!
I am just about ready to have some volunteers in the classroom. I really could use some that like to do math and can work one on one with kids at all levels, and some that like to read with a small group that needs to read their daily reading aloud. I would like to veer away from the reading part and focus more on the skill part when I meet with kids in a group. I also need some to flash kids basic flashcards. If this would work for you on any day, please write me a quick note in the planner. I will get in touch with you this week with the times. Daily though we have math in the morning (after 10:00) and reading after lunch. Thanks!
As you can see below, we had a great time celebrating Montana's 124th birthday! We found the major rivers, lake, mountains, and cities on our cookie maps. And of course, we had to give it some blue sky (frosting) to make it the Big Sky Country that it is known for. The best part of it though was gobbling it up. Yummy!!! What a great tasting state! Happy Birthday Montana.
Upcoming Events at Arrowhead: Please mark your calendars.
Nov. 14th-BELIEVE Fundraiser pick up for parents from 2-6 pm. Arrowhead sold $26,000 and they got to bank $12,000.00. Wowzers!!!
Nov. 15th-BELIEVE school wide fundraiser assembly. Prizes will be given out. 1:45 pm.
Nov. 15th-Donuts for Dads. In the gym on Friday from 7:15-8:00 am. Donations accepted.
Dec. 5th-Barnes and Noble Family Night. Volunteers needed.
Dec. 20th-Reflections Art Projects are Due if participating. What a FANTASTIC event!
The numbers came in, Kaitlyn's Voice hat day raised over $450 dollars. She was able to buy an ipad that will help her be more successful in school and in her hearing. Over 350 kids came to the Halloween Family Fun Night! Great fun was had by all!
Miss. Casasha was our star of the week. She loves to sew when she is bored and her dad got a real sombrero from Mexico. We just learned about this in class. What a great self to text connection Casasha! She also shared the crests of her family heritage. Now that is cool, and yet another connection to her academics in class. Thanks for sharing with us Casasha!
Well, that about sums up the upcoming week. I leave you with these fun pictures of some boys that all of us should be so proud of! Caden, McLean, Tyler, and Max are in the Rocky Bowl this weekend. Good luck boys! I will be there to cheer you on!