Monday, November 25, 2013

I BELIEVE it's a short week!

Hi there. Happy Monday!

Tomorrow is a half day. Kids will be dismissed at noon. We will be doing a lot in that short time, so please make sure kids are here on time. Thanks.

Today was Coewyn's birthday (well actually Sunday was). He brought some delicious cookie pizzas! Yum, yum! Thanks Coewyn!

Kids did a handful of Thankfulness today at CC Meeting. They had to write 5 things that they couldn't live without, one on each of the five fingers. We then cut the hands out. One by one, we removed a finger with our scissors. The first one being the thing we could live without. With each finger it got harder and harder to cut things out of our lives. Some kids even REFUSED to cut off the last one. That was awesome!!! When we were left with nothing but out palm I asked them to think of their choices that would get them of crime, dishonesty, drugs, alcohol, and so on. Then I had them reglue on the fingers they removed. We talked about how we might get back some things we are thankful for, but they will never fully be intact again and won't be the same as they were before we lost them. Pretty powerful lesson. Ask your child what they cut off (or refused to cut off) last. I hope that it was you!!! Rusty summed up the activity with his show today. He told us that we need to have PEOPLE more than STUFF on our thankful list! It was great to see this reality. Lastly, I asked what it would be like to be on their parent's hands. Who would you "cut off" first when it came to siblings if you had to order them. I said that would be impossible for me to decide as a mom or dad. Yikes! I never want to make that choice!!!!

In Lead 21 today, I went over and modeled the inquiry project expectations. Each student was given the rubric today in class. Each student also made their choice as to which option they wanted to do. They were all told to come home tonight and talk it over with you. All my expectations are listed below the options. Please let me know if you have questions. If they chose a number 5, then they told me what they were thinking and I wrote it on there. Kids MAY change their minds. If they change to a number 5 they have to tell me about it. They may call me at home over the break if need to. Please know that the due date was planned on purpose. I don't want kids to HAVE to do this project over break, so it is not due until the following Wednesday. I just wanted kids to have time to work on it if they were bored over the break. Please ask your child to see their sheet and have them explain to you their choice. It would also be helpful if you read and had them explain the working conditions to you as well. If you have this discussion, please write REPORT in the planner for $20 tomorrow. The report sheet and the research form need to stay at home now. They MUST return on Wednesday, Dec. 4th. They are both parts of their grade. Thanks.

Homework tonight is an RLJ check in. Kids need to write at least a half a page to me. They can write about anything.

Multiplication is getting better and better. We welcome Casasha and Chase to the 100% club. Yay!!!!! Chase also exited out of multiplication on xtramath. He is now the first to enter division!!! Great job!
They will be in the Tuesday Folders tomorrow. We will test again we we return. Please continue to do xtramath nightly at home.

Honor choir boys and girls: There has been a change in the schedule. The concert is next Tuesday, the 3rd of Dec. It is at 7:00 INSTEAD of 7:30 (which is written on the schedule). Students need to be there and on stage at 6:15. It is still at the Lincoln Center. You should have received an email today. Thanks.

Have a great, great night and know that I am soooo thankful for each and everyone of you!

I will blog tomorrow. :0)

Ms. Erickson