Thursday, March 6, 2014

Art soothes the soul.

Hello there.

It is family fun night tonight. Please join us in a painting extravaganza starting at 6:30. Make sure to wear those painting clothes.

We have library and PE tomorrow. So please help remind kiddos to bring back those books and tennis shoes.

Homework tonight is a reading comprehension sheet on Mt. Rushmore. Many kids used their free homework coupon on it, so if they come home without it, that could be why.

States and Capital's test for the Midwest Region is tomorrow. We have done soooooo much to prepare for this, so all kids should do well. Last minute studying tonight will help though. Just a reminder that there will be an all 50 states and capitals test at the end of the year. Keeping the past ones fresh is always a smart thing to do. I showed the kids 4 games on my blog that do just that. We played them today in the computer lab for practice.

Max used his show and tell coupon the other day at CC meeting. He is now a famous little boy. He is featured on the front of Simply Family this month. I was honored to receive my very own autographed copy. Check out how he signed…BELIEVE! Nice! I told him to always keep that when he becomes even more famous one day. :0) Awesome Max. I am very proud of you!

I attended the PTA meeting this morning. They are in need of some dads to help out at the Mom's Donut day coming up on April 11th. The mom's worked the Donuts for Dads, and now the roles have been reversed. Please check your calendars and consider helping out that morning before work. They need help setting up, serving, and taking down. Please write YES or NO in the planner tonight. I will then forward your name onto the right people to contact you with more details. Those that write either Yes or No will earn $10 bonus money for tomorrow.

Hope to see you tonight.
Ms. Erickson