Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"I'm a great BELIEVER in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I find of it. Thomas Jefferson

Hello there. A BIG thank you to Ty for supplying me with that great quote! NICE!

Day 2 of testing is under our belts. Kids are doing awesome!!!! How proud am I to be their teacher? SUPER proud!!!! One more day and we can kiss the MontCas goodbye for the year. :0)

In math we reviewed fractions with a  four square review. YIKES! We need to review these more often, and we will. Darn fractions are just so difficult and have so many rules. No worries though, we will just do a few each day.

We also did slide, turn, and flip in geometry. To do this, we put on our dancing shoes! We all did the cupid shuffle. The song told us to slide to the left, slide to the right. Turn it about. They also told us to reverse, reverse. Which is flip, flip. After that, the kids were easily able to turn, flip, and slide shapes. Yay! :0) AND…we all know as adults that knowing how to dance a line dance is a lifelong skill!

It was Spencer's birthday today. He brought in a class favorite…donuts and Sunny D. They flew out of the box and Spencer earned some serious cash. :0) I hope you do something fun tonight Spencer. He was lucky enough to have Dad join him for a yummy lunch! Happy Birthday Buddy!

After testing, Tyler got creative with his white board. Check out this creativity! Such a talented kiddo!

Finally, we had a guest speaker today. My son, Beau, came in to share a very cool app he found on the iPad. As you know, we just finished our unit on MidWest farming. This app, Farming Simulator 14, allows kids to actually be farmers. You have to till the land, plant your crops, combine your crops, gather your crops, and then take them into town…all on a budget. When showing it to Zach, he said that it was actually a very realistic and cool game (and is now highly addicted to it himself). It is $2.99 in the app store. Some of my S.S. kids from Mrs. Auch's class got to try it out today after they finished their work. They said that it was not as easy as they thought it would be. Hooking up the tractor to the right tool took patience and skill. Beau actually does a lot of farming with Zach on the weekend so I also had the kids ask him some questions about life on the farm as a kid. It is always fun to see kids talking to other kids. They are just so tuned into each other. A BIG thank you to Beau for coming to help us learn even more about farming. Check out the app tonight. :0)

In Science today, kids built levers using popsicle sticks. Ask your child how that went. If they can share with you, write LEVER in the planner for $10.

Many of you have asked me about science fair information. Here is a quick note from Mrs. Auch:

Arrowhead Elementary 2014 Science Fair

The Arrowhead Science Fair will be held Thursday, March 27th in

the gym. All projects should be brought to school Thursday morning

between the hours of 7:00 a.m. – 8:15 a.m. as there will be nowhere

to put them prior to that time. Please remind your child to pick them

up Thursday, right after school.

Presently, the students should have their projects well under way.

Most have purchased their boards and are working on the labels

that go on the board. Some projects take more than one session:

for example plants etc. The journal should have a minimum of five

entries, all dated. The students have handouts on the abstract,

journal and board. Look at the rubric they will be graded on to see

what else is required. We are so excited to see all of the great

projects! If you have any questions, please email or call me: Linda

Auch: 281-6201

Have a great night! First Day of Spring tomorrow…expecting SNOW!
Ms. Erickson