Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Happy Days!

Hi there.

Today was a busy day, and we learned a ton. We started the day off with a refresher on our 4th grade EQ expectations. Kids took awhile to really reflect on how they were doing in each of the areas. I helped by pointing out specific examples. I also went around to each desk and looked inside of it. My guess is their desks are a reflection of their room at home. :0( or :0). Here are all ten of the expectations that have never changed since the day we made them and hung them up.

4th Graders…
1. turn in their work on time.
2. use their nicest and best handwriting every single time.
3. spell words correctly when they are right in front of them, especially spelling words.
4. always finish their work and check to see that it is finished before handing it in.
5. write their name and date on top of their paper.
6. keep an organized desk and work area.
7. apply a lot of effort on every assignment.
8. never guess, but ask for help.
9. try before they ask for help.
10. don't talk when moving from A to B or taking out a new subject.

After doing this, I had them come up with a strategy that they will specifically use to improve in any area that they didn't get an A in. It is about Spring, and with that comes Spring Fever, especially when baseball starts. Kids tend to want to become lax in school and more energetic outside. So, I am being proactive by reviewing the expectations now. Tomorrow, we make our where am I at chart in CC meeting. This sheet will help guide us to tell us if they are a positive leader, getting there, needs improvement, or needs a heavy fine to hold them accountable category. Ask your child how their "EQ Report Card" turned out. What do they need to work on and how are they planning on doing that? If they can, write EQ in the planner for a $10 bonus. (EQ stands for Emotional Quotient. It is similar to IQ, but for character traits rather than intelligence.)

In math, we have been learning polygons. Quiz your child. What do you call a polygon with…

three sides? (Triangle)
four sides? (Quadrilateral)
five sides? (Pentagon)
six sides? (Hexagon)
seven sides? (Heptagon)
eight sides? (Octagon)
nine sides? (Nonagon)
ten sides? (Decagon)

If they can tell you all of these without "much" help, write POLYGON int he planner for another $10 bonus. 4th graders are tested on 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 sided shapes, but it is fun to know more! :0)

Yearbooks (also called memory books) are on sale now. Order forms came home in the Tuesday folders yesterday. Orders must be in by Wed, March 26th.

It was reported today that kids were warned, warned again, and again about keeping snacks neat and off the floor by their science teacher, Mrs. Auch. She has suspended their privilege for one week. Instead of trying to remember what day it is and if it is a science day, I just agreed with her and said there will be NO snacks allowed for one week. So, please refrain from sending them in until next Thursday. I am sure this will be a great learning experience for them. It has been more than one student, and Mrs. Auch is tired of cleaning up after them. Students may want to gobble down a larger breakfast. We talked about how they won't die from this. When asked how I know that, I said because I am still alive. I was NEVER allowed snack in class or a water bottle. Not sure how I ever survived, but I did. :0) Snack will resume next Thursday.

Hopefully you had time to read the Arrowhead Newsletter that was also in your child's Tuesday folder last night. I found it very interesting. So much goes on at Arrowhead, and I for one was not in tune with just how much the PTA does for kids and teacher's at Arrowhead. I have always been impressed, but now I am REALLY impressed. I love how they communicate so much and so honestly with parents. This is not always the case at every school.

Homework tonight is a coordinate graphing sheet dealing with polygons. Kids will need their crayons, markers, or colored pencils for this one. :0)

It is iPod day in art again tomorrow. They may bring them in to enjoy during that time. They will need to stay in backpacks the remainder of the time.

The final states and capital's test is in two days. Those that are taking it, need to get in those last minute study sessions. :0)

Mrs. Auch went over the science fair expectations once again today in class. If your child is still unsure about what it looks like or what I expect from them, you may want to come in or call Mrs. Auch for further explanation of her expectations.

I think that about does it for tonight. Have a wonderful evening!
Ms. Erickson