Monday, March 10, 2014

May you live as long as you want, And never want as long as you live Irish Proverb

Dia Duit! (Hello there in Irish)! Many of you found this phrase to mean that or something else. I accepted both! I can see again!!!!! The kids did great coming in and getting ready this morning. They earned a compliment from Mrs. Moore. She gave a special compliment to Trevor for being the first one to be working on his morning work. Yay Trev!

There is a flu bug in the air. We had a couple out today. If kids are throwing up or have a fever, please keep them home. Otherwise, they are wanted at school! We miss kids when they are gone! Hope you are feeling better tomorrow Liam and Max.

Mike "squatch" from MCC was in the house today. He is a good friend of mine and works with Tauzha. He was born and raised in Chicago. So….does that mean he lived right in Chicago??? No! When you are from a large city area, it is customary to say that you are from that city. He is really from a suburb outside of Chicago, but they say they are from Chicago. That was a hard one for kids to understand. He also shared with us about his times at Wrigley Field and two different legends on how the Chicago Fire started. One had to do with a cow and the other with a man with a peg leg. Pretty fun stories. History is still not 100% what caused the fire, but they did determine that the cow is no longer the number one suspect. :0) He also shared about how Chicago celebrates St. Patrick's Day. There are a lot of Irish people in Chicago, and they go all out. Ask your child what the Chicagoans do to the Chicago River. If they can tell you, write the word GREEN in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
Part of homework tonight is to write Mike a thank you letter. The nickname Squatch comes from our group of friends. He always has a very long beard in the winter and he looks like a Sasquatch with all that hair. The kids know him as this too. He loves that they call him that. He is famous!

The other piece of homework tonight is a Leprechaun coordinate graph. Kids need to discover some Irish phrases tonight by finding the letter on the X and Y axis. Remind them to go over first and then up.

A HUGE thank you to Haylee's Grandma for helping out in math today. Because I had her and Mr. Ward, I took advantage of the help and did Accelerated math this morning. I then moved the regular lesson on quadrilaterals to the afternoon. It is soooooo nice having help for individual kids. I look forward to having her all week. Yay!

We will begin our new Lead 21 Unit tomorrow. Kids did a great job at proving that they know their figurative language, context clues, and finding text evidence. Groups will be switching again based on this work. Many are moving up in levels.

We will do a more traditional inquiry project for this unit. It is on animals and how living things are connected. The process will be similar to what we did for the endangered animals where they have different choices to choose from in order to present with their peers. It won't be an animal report, but it will have to do with animals being connected to nature in some ways. More to come soon.

PE shoes are needed tomorrow. Please help kids remember to get those in their bags for both PE and fitness club.

I think that about covers it. Here is your Ireland picture of the day!

Heaven on Earth for me! :0)
Ms. Erickson