Customize your own greeting Hello there. Happy St. Patrick's Day! We had a great day! We walked into quite the mess this morning. Jen's trap sadly did not work. There was signs of leprechaun mischief everywhere! We were cleaned up and ready to face the day very quickly though. The team pulled through. |
Later in the day, we had a fun treat. We made lime sherbet and 7-up drinks. Yummy and green! Kids also wore their little leprechaun hats. Earlier last week, kids researched Irish symbols on the iPads and designed their cups. This is what they looked like then…
Today, kids discovered that their large hats had somehow been shrunk down to leprechaun size. Wow, those leprechauns sure are magical! How did that even happen???? We enjoyed both the treat and the hats as we listened to our very last Irish fairytale. It sure has been fun tying in all that history with our March academics.
Tomorrow, we start our MontCas science tests. We talked about what that means in Ms. Erickson's room. It means that we take it very seriously and do our very best on the test. As long as that happens, I am proud of all students regardless of the outcome.
There will be NO homework or spelling this week. Instead, I have asked kids to get to bed early so they are well rested. Having some kind of protein in their lunches or for a quick snack would be awesome. Why???? Ask your kiddo. If they can tell you, write PROTEIN in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Kids may also chew regular gum while testing. (They need to supply their own-regular stick kind).They may also get a drink from a water bottle at any time while testing. There is some research backing all of these things, but most of them is just to put kids at ease. We are ready to shine, shine, shine!
Today in math we took a look at our Dyna Math. We read an article about animals doing some painting. It was a pretty fun read. We also learned about when to use a line, bar, and circle graph. Ask your child which painting they would have bought: Arbor the Dog's, Karishma the Elephant's, or Brent the chimp's. Also ask them why these animals are painting in a zoo. If they can share with you, write the name of the animal they say in the planner for another $10.
We will be doing a reward coupon buy in on Friday. Kids have saved their money for awhile and it is time to cash it in for some fun rewards. I have added some new coupons to the list, thanks to Chase! He RLJ'd me a few suggestions awhile back. Fun!
Today, we also did some accelerated math. While kids were working, I called them up and we found the average of all their test scores that they had completed. That grade is now in the grade book. You can view that online. Quarter 3 is wrapping up all ready! I can't believe that the year is almost one quarter out! Many kids have asked me to loop to 5th grade. I sadly had to say no. :0) I just love the 4th grade too much. :0) All graded tests are in backpacks for you to review tonight. Everyone is doing very, very, very well! I would like to see a few kids doing a few more tests. In order to test, they need to show the computer that they are mastering their practice work. Silly computer mistakes, like not filling in their bubbles correctly, is killing some of these kids. This is a skill they will do all the way through college, not to mention how we vote for the United States of America. :0)
Well, I think that about covers it for today. A BIG welcome back to Haylee's parents. We are all glad that you arrived home from Hawaii safe and sound (and tan I am sure)!
Have a wonderful evening!