Thursday, April 10, 2014

Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. John Dewey

So, I was watching the kids play 4 square today at recess and became very confused. I am not sure how they learned to play the game but it was not what I remembered. Therefore, I went "old school" on them and taught them how to play by school rules: Underhand and two hands only. It was difficult for them at first, but then they loved it!!! We spent some quality time playing it today together. I would like to say that I put down what they were picking up, but as I learned at CC meeting today…I have NO idea how to speak their lingo today. :0) Right Caden? Right Max? Moral of the story: Old school still rules!

Homework tonight is another reading comprehension paper on the coral ecosystem. Kids also need to have their inquiry question narrowed down and selected by tomorrow. What is your child going to research? Ask them to share their inquiry question. If they can, write INQUIRY in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

We started our star quilt project in math. Let the rhombus tracing begin. Kids created their tracing template today using a ruler and a protractor. They had to have a 2 by 2 inch rhombus with a 70 degree acute angle. Most of them were able to do it. Yay! Now, they need to trace a ton of them and then we can cut them out and build our star quilt patterns. Here is one as an example. Kids will do them on paper. It would be fun to frame them and hang them in their bedrooms when done. :0) I love when I find projects like this that show kids when and where and how they will use the things they learn in real life. This entire project is done using math.

In our SW tour today in Social Studies, we went to El Paso, Texas. We talked a lot about immigration from Mexico into Texas, legal and illegal. I shared a story about my nephew. As you know, his mom (my sister) passed away a few years ago. His dad was an illegal immigrant and we had to fight very hard to keep him from getting custody of Rhett. It sprung a discussion about loyalty to one's country. I had them all check the tags on their clothing and see where they were made. There was only one made in the USA. That was McLean's shirt. All others were made in other countries. We talked about how that was fine, but how it was also important to try to buy USA made items too when we can. We also talked about how USA made is usually more expensive and why due to labor laws in the US. It was a great discussion. Kids that can find something that is made in the USA to wear tomorrow will earn $100 dollars. What a great challenge! (It may even be a challenge for me! )

Memories with moms is tomorrow morning in the gym. It starts at 7:15 and goes until 8:00. Please stop by and make sure to say hello and allow me to grab a picture. :0)

Kids have PE tomorrow so they need their shoes. They also have library. Please help remind them to bring back those books.

I met with the IEFA director this morning. She has eagerly agreed to pay for the field trip to the ranch. Yay! They are so awesome when it comes to bringing MT History to life. So, we will be going there with our pen pals at the end of May. I already have one volunteer, but would need another if possible. I won't know the date for sure for awhile. She was very impressed with our interactive notebooks! She even asked if I would talk and share them with some Native parents in our district to share with them how we are infusing our learning to include those that were here before us. Awesome!

Well, I think that about does it for today. Have a fantastic night!

Ms. Erickson