Monday, April 21, 2014

Welcome Back!

Well hello there. It feels like forever since I have blogged to all of you. I hope that you had a wonderful and blessed break. Mine was spent making memories with my kids and family. We added onto our family here at the ranch with two baby lambs, Sam and Buddy. Buddy is five days old now, and Sam is about a week and a half. With every four hour bottle feedings, we stayed close to home during the break. They sure are cute, cute, cute though. They will still be little and cute when we come to the ranch at the end of May. We will hold a ticket drawing to see who will get to bottle feed them. :0)

Tomorrow is Earth Day! We will be taking an in depth look at what this holiday is all about, including who started it and why. We will do a fun art project, writing project, and make a food circle graph in math. We will also go outside and pick up our playground. If your child has gardening gloves they may want to bring them for this.

As you know, tomorrow is also my sister's birthday. It is so funny how she was born on Earth Day. Kristy absolutely loved the Earth. She was a biologist and became a teacher to high school students. She had a passion for environmental studies and for saving the Earth. When she passed away, her son and my older sister adopted a highway for her. Many times a year, they go and clean up the roadside in her honor. Rhett is such a great kid. I think there comes a time when the sting of death wears off and you can just enjoy the memories. I look to Rhett to do this. I see so much of my sister in him. Children are such a blessing in our lives and on our Earth. We need to always make sure we protect both. :0)

I have posted the correct spelling words off to the side. My mind must have been already been in vacation last week. I had the wrong words up and I guess I left the wrong alternate test for the sub. Oh my goodness. No worries though. We will get it all back to normal once again this week. I apologize for the mix ups. :0)

This Wednesday, we have Altana Bank coming in to do a real world money lesson with the kids. This will be 4th grade appropriate, and fit perfectly with our class money system. This Wednesday is also Secretary's Day. Tomorrow's Homework will be to make Mrs. Derrig a card. She does so much to make our school run perfectly. With the new buzz in door, her job has been ten times more trying. When I am up there, there is always 15 million things going on at one time. It takes a special kind of person to do that and not lose their patience. That perfect person is Mrs. Derrig! Please encourage kids to put some thought and effort into these cards tomorrow.

This Friday, will be our last reward coupon buy in. I want the kids to have enough time to use them.

Last week, we had our big Taxes are Due Day. What an eye opener for kids! Kids counted up their money and then multiplied it by 10%. Here were the results…
Liam-$260, Tyler-$133, Taylor-$121, Caden-$200, Spencer-$160, Trevor-$100, Chase-$260, Max-$230, Coewyn-$140, Riley-$190, McLean-$100, Nicolas-$190, Abi-$310, Jen-$210, Ty-$70, Haylee-$200, Amanda-$240, Taryn-$300, Emily-$30, Adelaide-$160, and Casasha-$570.
As you can see, it was a bad day to be rich. :0) It wasn't 100% accurate, but it was real world enough.

We will do another real world activity on Mother's Day as well. More to come on that one later. :0)

With only 38 days left of school (Wow!), the cafeteria is asking that kids do not make anymore charges to their accounts. Please make sure your kiddo has the lunch money they need to make it through the year. Balances will be transferred over to their 5th grade accounts. Thanks!

Last week, we finished up our star quilts in math. It was amazing what the kids all did with just a ruler, protractor, and a rhombus. They all turned out so differently. I will post a picture of the final project tomorrow, but here are the individual ones. Amazing!

Well, I think this about catches us up. I can't wait to see all the kids tomorrow. I have missed them. Have a great Monday night!

Ms. Erickson