Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wear that NEON tomorrow!
Hi there! What a difference having NO wind makes. The classroom just seems calmer, as does my hair. :0)
Thank you for sending in the parent homework this morning. We were cracking up all through CC meeting reading them. What amazing kids from the get go! We look forward to hearing Nolan, Max, and Spencer's tomorrow morning!
We read on in the story today. I LOVE novels! The kids are glued to the book the entire time. Kids that like to read on their own, were allowed to go in the back room and do so. Those that are auditory learners stayed with me and I read aloud. Today, they worked on Character Analysis. As we were reading, we were pulling out character traits about each character we met. It was fun to meet the mean ole frog looking cook, Mrs. Boyle, Mean old Mr. Millshark that ran the orphanage Charlotte is in, and William the bully. We also met Charlotte's best friend Hayward and Vern. Vern takes care of the horses, and horses are what Charlotte loves most in life. The chapter left us with a cliffhanger. It said the bell was ringing. At the orphanage, that meant that the boys all needed to line up and someone is about to be adopted. Oh my! Who will it be??? Ask your child which character they dislike the most in the book thus far. Write who they say in the planner for $10. We will use this data in class to make a graph tomorrow.
In math today, we practiced adding and subtracting units of time. I noticed many of them got this problem incorrect on their review sheet yesterday. So, we did an online quiz whole group today. We took it one problem at a time. It is difficult for them to understand that when they nee to regroup from an hour, they have to convert it to 60 minutes. It does not just come over as a group of ten as regular regrouping does. By the end, they had it. They even successfully did two story problems as well!
Spelling tests are tomorrow. Please help kids study one last time tonight.
Gym and library is tomorrow. Please help kids return books and wear their tennis shoes. They are running their 800 run. They did this at the beginning of the year and now they see if they can beat their time. The strategy taught is an idiom. It is...slow and steady wins the race. Discuss this with your kiddo, telling them it is not good to start out really fast and use up all their energy. They want to pick a steady pace they can keep up all the way through. Then, save a little burst for the very end to finish up strong (another idiom). If you discuss this tonight, write IDIOM in the planner for $10 more.
Homework is a color sheet that we will need soon in MT History. I don't want to give class time to color it, so it would be helpful to just have it done for when we need it. Easy peasy!
Pictures came in today. If your child ordered a class picture, it came home with them today. If you wrote that you DID NOT want an individual picture taken of your child child, they did not come home with another packet. If they did, then they came home with a packet that you need to view. If you want to purchase them, please send in money. You can buy them all, or just what you want. Pricing is inside. If you don't want any, please just return he full packet. Thanks.
Tomorrow is wear NEON day. Please consider donating a dollar or more to United Luv foundation. This is an organization that gives iPads to cancer patients during their treatments. It helps to take their minds off the treatment for awhile. After their treatments are complete, they get to take their iPad home to keep. How awesome is that!!!! What a great way to pay it forward. Wearing NEON signifies that Arrowhead is united in helping others in our community. Be proud to wear those bright colors. :0)
Please mark May 5th on your calendar. At 8:30 that morning, we will perform for you a lovely concert on the recorders in the gym. All 4th graders have been working so hard on all their songs. Please plan to attend and you may want to come early for seating.
Lastly, yet another fantastic field trip opportunity has come our way. Mrs. Auch has invited us to go to the Big Horn Museum in Hardin, MT on May 15th. They have a one day event, History Day, for kids to experience things that happened in the past. For example, they will get to play some Native American games, put up a teepee, go to school in a one room school house, churn some butter and much, much more. How can you pass that up. A permission slip will be coming home in the Tuesday folders next week. It will cost $7 per child and they will need a sack lunch that day. Electronics will be allowed on the bus ride up since it is a lengthy one. Chaperones are needed. Please let me know if this date works for you to ride along. We will be gone all day.
The Grewell Ranch field trip is scheduled for May 22nd. It will be all day. I already have chaperones for this trip, which is awesome! There will be no cost for this one. Electronics are also approved for this one.
Cameras are not allowed on either trip. Kids tend to get all into taking pictures and miss the learning. I will take mine and they can take screen shots off the blog if wanted.
Have a fantastic evening!
Ms. Erickson