Monday, April 7, 2014

Spring has Sprung!

Well hello there strangers. I feel as if I haven't blogged forever! I hope you had a great few days to just relax and enjoy the somewhat nice weather. I am REALLY hoping that Mother Nature comes through tomorrow with the 70 degree weather predicted. I am ready to wear those capri pants and flip flops! :0)

Emma, Tauzha and I went to the powwow at MSU-B this weekend. What an eye opener. I have always wanted to attend one, but have never made it a point to do so. I am so glad we did. Now, that Emma is in the 4th grade as well, learning about Montana's American Indians it was great for her to see her learning come to life. I wish I would have brought my camera, but I didn't. What was so super cool was that there was a group of people playing double ball in the park area. This is the game I played with your kids in the gym. It was neat to see it happening within the culture it was formed. Cool!

I am soooooooo happy to say that we will NOT be standardized testing this week! (All but the one make up test that is. :0)) We will have a  regular week of learning. That means homework will resume along with spelling tests. I know the kids missed them both last week. Ya right. :0)

We ended our NWEA Map testing on Friday. Were we excited??? You tell me. :0)

We ran up to the minute to PE so I didn't have time to write scores in the planners. Plus we had to go out and eat our bomb popsicles! I will do so tomorrow. Every student however had amazing growth. I again explained to some kids that when you start in the 220s or higher it is VERY difficult to make growth. That is well above a 4th grade level. I do extend my teaching past a 4th grade level, but rarely do I go to a middle school level. Therefore, they are going to eventually flatline until they learn more. So, please celebrate any and all growth! Our highest growth however was 31 points. That went to Miss. Abi! I am not going to lie, Abi has had a heck of a year. She just clicked and ran with it. She has worked so hard across the board. Well done Abi! (It may have been the shirt she was wearing too:;))

 I am soooo very proud of each and every student in every test. But, even more so, I am so proud of the kids themselves. They believed in themselves. They knew that I believed in them. They knew that you believed in them. And, they all did their very best. I can't ask for more than that. I think Nicolas summed it all up quite nicely...

We will not test again until the first week of May for Smarter Balance.

Today, I spent the day at Skyview learning a ton of new technology. I would like to ask that kids bring their iPads, iPhones, iPods, or whatever wireless device they have to try some of it out this week. Those that don't have one, I have a few. I would like to try out some of them starting tomorrow. Please allow kids to bring them in. Thanks.

I know that I have been talking about inquiry projects for our Lead 21 Nature's Neighborhood unit, but have yet to get them going. With science fair and testing it just seemed like too much. BUT, now we are ready. This week, kids will be watching many short videos and reading short stories about all different types of topics from animals to food chains to food webs. By the end of the week, they will need to select an Inquiry question. That means, something they are interested in learning more about. I will then go over the different ways they can present it to the class. A grading rubric will of course be given out and explained so there are no surprises on my expectations. I am glad we finally have time to do this.

We will also be starting our Lewis and Clark novel. It is a story written in the perspective of Sacajawea. This is great because so many times kids only hear the European perspective. As we follow the trail with her, kids will be creating interactive maps with the different animals, tools, weapons, and tribes they hear about along the way. We will also do some fun little what do you already know interactive site games for topics such as, What did Lewis and Clark bring with them on the trip?

In Lead 21, we will also finish up our whole group studies and work our way through our small readers. We will be working on many skills all throughout the week.

In math, we will be extending some of our previous learning to a deeper level. Now that kids have the basics, we will go even deeper and see some real world connections on when and where and how we will use it. This week, we will be using geometry to make American Indian Star Quilts. Amazing!

I am meeting with Indian Education for All this Thursday about our field trip to the ranch. I can't wait to sit down with them and show off our interactive MT History notebooks. I know they are going to be impressed with the amount of tribal learning our kids are getting here at Arrowhead. I often believe that I was supposed to be born an Indian. I just absolutely love their connections to earth and to kindness/character. I also love seeing the generations pass on their culture and their traditions to their children. It is so fun for me to share that part of that culture with kids. :0)

Last Friday, I popped down to Fitness Club. Mr. Pertuit had them doing some teamwork drills. Kids had to try to keep each other off balance by pushing against one another's hands. Liam and Nicolas demonstrated this for me.
Next, they had to go through the land mine forest. They had to lead one another in a whisper voice through without hitting any land mines. The tricky part was their partner had to go with their eyes closed. We had some close calls at times. While waiting for their turn, the girls and boys were doing some wall sits. What a great way to meet new people and have fun!

I think that about does it. This is the last week for the food drive for the West High Homeless pantry. What a great turnout we have had thus far! You are all so amazing!

Have a wonderful day! I know I will enjoy the evening as Beau has his very first soccer game with his new little cleats and shin guards. Too darn cute! :0)

I leave you with a new fad that is apparently all that now a days. These three will be famous when this fashion sense catches on I am sure. Don't ya just love kids?!

Ms. Erickson