Thursday, February 27, 2014

Get out the shovels…A foot of snow is headed our way this weekend. Really Montana???

Man on man do we have some VERY talented kids in Billings Public Schools. Wow to the girl's honor choir concert today. They sounded so, so pretty and so professional. To have almost 100 girls gather together at that young of an age is amazing to see. So proud of our own Haylee and Casasha! Well done girls (and don't worry…you only have one thing to make up upon your return.) Yay!!!!

Today, in spelling, we played a game for our times. Remember the game on tv called Password? Love that game. Kids sat back to back and had to give clues to the spelling words on the board. The person behind them had to guess which word they were describing. (High level thinking skills). Then when they did get it, they had to spell the word correctly before they moved onto the next one. What a fun way for them to practice their spelling.

In math we took a high level thinking geometry test. It did not go very well. There were many, many, many kids that couldn't do two step problems to find the area or the perimeter. Let me give you a sample question:

A builder is putting stone flooring in a shower. The shower floor has a perimeter of 26 feet. The shower's width is 6 feet. What is the area of the shower floor?

In order to solve this kids had to first figure out the length of the floor by adding the two widths (6 +6) and subtract that from the perimeter of 26. Thus equalling 14. They then had to divide that by 2 to get the 7 for each of the lengths. Then, they had to find the area by multiplying the length 7 by the width 6 to find the area of 42 square feet. That is HIGH level thinking, which is what all of these kiddos are capable of doing. You can see why I pushed so hard for them to know those basic facts for multiplication. One mistake, and all that work later, the problem is counted wrong. We will continue to practice these all throughout our geometry unit and in their accelerated math notebooks.

Speaking of accelerated math….it is tomorrow. Who is coming to help???????? Please….I am begging here. :0) You can do this math. I promise. If you can, please just come in at 10:00 and jump in. There area always kid's hands in the air needing to talk their way through problems.

Spelling tests are tomorrow for both book and alternates.

We took our practice states and capitals test today. I was pleased to see so many students pass with a 100%! Congratulations to Spencer, Caden, Chase, Haylee, Max, Riley, Adelaide, Jen, Casasha, and Taryn. Those that did not pass, still have time to study for the test next Friday (March 7th).

In CC meeting we did our Thursday placement meeting today. For about a month now, every Thursday morning, kids take a look at their EQ. They then place themselves in one of four categories: Positive Leader, Getting There, Needs Improvement, or Need a heavy fine to help my behavior change quickly. Today, kids stood up and read their persuasive letters to the class stating where they thought they should be, what they worked on last week, and what strategies they used to work on it. They then get some feedback from their peers. They also get some feedback from me. What I saw, what I am seeing now, and what I need them to work on next. Then they write their name on the class chart. Ask your child where they ended up today and why. If they share with you, write CC in the planner for $10. Haylee and Casasha…talk to your parents about where you were last week and where you should be this week. This is a powerful activity for accountability and for practicing some 4 square apologies. Kids often end up reminding me that it is Thursday and we need to do our chart. I love that we have a trusted environment that allows us all to feel safe to have a real conversation about all of our successes and areas needing improvement. What a great life skill!

Tonight's homework is another Types of Questions practice page. The last one was sooooooo much better. Kids are really starting to connect that when it is the "this" type of question then they need to use "this" strategy to find the answer. Now, they are seeing just how easy reading comprehension can be! :0) So, tonight they need to read Stevie Wonder, tell me the type of question, and answer the questions using the correct strategy. They also all need to select a handwriting cursive page in their practice book and complete it. I told them it had to be one that was at least two full lines long and then the author. They know what I mean. Reminding the to sit up straight and tall, with feet on the floor, and slanting the book just a tad will give them their best handwriting results. They get better each time.

Library books and tennis shoes are needed for tomorrow's specialists.

ALL Read A Thon envelopes and money are due tomorrow. Kids that bring them back, even if they just have one sponsor, will get a ticket for the prize drawings at the school assembly. For every five sponsors after that they will get another ticket. Every little bit counts and makes a difference in what we can do at Arrowhead school. Remember, every single cent collected goes right back to your child in some way or another. PTA is so generous to each class and it is so obvious that they love every kid at Arrowhead.

I think that about covers it. Have a great night, and dress WARM tomorrow. The winter storm arrives at midnight tonight. Oh joy, oh joy! :0)

Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I don't sing because I'm happy; I'm happy because I sing. William James

Hi there. I hope you had a great day at home or at work! We had a great day at school!

This morning at CC Meeting, we did a lesson on empathy. I asked the kids what that was. No one knew. So, we read a story called Those Shoes. It was about a little boy that really wanted a pair of the new "cool" shoes that everyone was wearing at the time. His grandma couldn't afford them. He finds a pair at the thrift shop, but they are too small. He buys them anyway hoping they will stretch overnight. They of course don't. He notices a little boy at school that has tape holding his shoes together and that his feet are a little smaller than his. After thinking for awhile, he decides that he will never be able to wear the new shoes so he gives them to the other child knowing how he must feel having to wear the not so cool shoes to school. I then asked kids if they knew what empathy was. Not quite. So, I had them partner up boy-girl as much as possible. I had them literally switch shoes. Then, we talked about two idioms…walk a mile in my shoes and step into my shoes. I had them walk around the room and picture themselves as the other person, all the while wearing each other's shoes. They got it! To sum it up, we actually watched a Sesame Street skit all about empathy. Then, they really got it. Ask your child tonight what empathy is. They should tell you that is when you can imagine or know just how someone else is feeling, thus having empathy for them. If they can tell you write the word EMPATHY in the planner for $10. Fun lesson!

Thanks to Abi, Coewyn, Haylee, and Spencer for the fun winter pictures. I actually meant the mom and  dad to go play in the snow but I loved these ones too! Max, I never got yours but will pay you your $100 if mom can resend it. She even had one of herself!!!!

Thanks to Max and Amanda for all ready ordering books online. I have already selected some fun books for the classroom library. One was written by Jackie Robinson's sister! Wow!!! Cool!!! Book orders close next Friday.

A sticker came home in the planner tonight. 4th graders take the MontCas Science test. It is the only MontCas test we will take this year. We will take it March 18, 19, and 20th. Makeups are no fun for the teacher or the student. Please try to help us have perfect attendance on those days to avoid those. Mrs. Auch has done an amazing job preparing these kids to shine, shine, shine!

To me, that is what testing is. I don't put a lot of pressure into testing. I just expect kids to do their very best and encourage them to show off all that they have learned this year. Instead of MontCas this year in reading and math, we will be piloting the new test Smarter Balance. This is pretty cool, because we get to be part of history. This year, the test isn't testing the kids, but instead is testing the test. They want to know what 4th graders know, should know, and don't know. Then, they will design the final test for next year. Awesome!!!! How cool are we to have a part in making a national test????

The tests that I love are the NWEA Map tests. The kids took them at the beginning of the year, and now they get to take them again. This is the one that shows me just how much they learned. I am always so proud of them on these, and it helps me to know what I need to work on even more next year. Our class is scheduled to take these April 2, 3, and 4th. Yippee! They will shine so bright…I just know it! BELIEVE!

Homework tonight is a spelling skill sheet. We also have the practice states and capital's test tomorrow. Those that score 100% will not have to take it again. Kids also came home with their S.S. game boards today. I gave them time in class to start them and ask questions. We went over ALL the expectations. There is absolutely room for individual creativity, but I will only be grading what is on their grade expectation sheet. (Which they also brought home tonight.) At some point before Monday (that is the due date), they need to play the game with you. If you are having to ask for clarification on their facts or squares then I probably will too, which will result in points off their final score. Please help them make sure they have solid facts in complete sentences and NOT just phrases. They need to obtain your signature on their grade sheet as part of their final points. Again, these are due on Monday, March 4th.

Kids have earned the right to listen to their iPods in Art tomorrow. They may bring them for that purpose. I will not be offering a full day buy in. They will need to put them in their bags after art for the rest of the day.

We have been invited to listen to the West End Girls Honor Choir concert tomorrow afternoon. Our very own Haylee and Casasha are in it. My Emma is also in it, so that will be extra fun for me. They are touring all around the west end and get to have a pizza lunch in between. Lucky!!! Enjoy the day off girls. We can't wait to hear your beautiful voices! :0)

Have a fantastic night!
Ms. Erickson

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Time whizzes by when you have children. They make you aware of the passing of time, but also help keep you young.

Hello there.

Rainbow Loom Day was a hoot. I especially liked seeing the boys doing it. They were so excited and many were sooooooo talented! Jen brought every bracelet know to man and had a very creative way of displaying them. I was so proud of her for sticking it out as she just got her braces on today too! What a trooper! You can tell she loves to loom! Everyone helped everyone and that was awesome. Even my Emma joined in on the fun! Everyone said she was a miniature Ms. Erickson! What an awesome compliment! Well worth the $200 buy in. A BIG thank you to Trevor who made me my own black and white one in honor of Black History Month! Awesome connection Trevor! :0)

Homework tonight is a review mean, median, mode, and range sheet. Kids may use calculators on this one. Remember… Mode=number found the most often. Median=middle number and if there are two middle numbers you need to add them together and divided by 2. Range=Largest number minus smallest number. Mean=Add all numbers up and divide but the number of numbers. MOST IMPORTANT THOUGH=LINE UP ALL NUMBERS FROM LEAST TO GREATEST BEFORE BEGINNING!

Tuesday folders came home tonight. Awhile ago, I sent out a parent survey for the book order sheets. I am finally getting around to sending one home. There is also the instructions on how to access our online account on the white direction sheet. Each book a child orders I will reward them with $50 fake bonus money. If you are old school and/or dislike using credit cards online, you can always send in the order form and check (made out to Scholastic Book Clubs) and I will mail it for you. Please DO NOT send cash. For each book ordered online, our classroom gets a free book as well. This is how I get all those great books for CC meetings. Yay! If your child shows you one book that they wish they could buy write BOOK in the planner for $10 tomorrow. It is always fun to get new books at school! :0)

During our computer time today, we watched our S.S. game board you tubes. Kids had to finish up their notes using this source. They are off to the side. Please ask your child which video is their's. If you watch it with them and allow them to share with you how they are going to use it on their game board, please write VIDEO in the planner for another $10 tomorrow. Abi and Amanda had to search on their own, so they can show you whatever one they watched. They both found a great one about Iowa farming. We will begin to build our game boards tomorrow.

In math, we pulled out the protractors. Kids enjoyed extending their angle lines and then finding the measure of the angle inside. We will quiz out on this skill tomorrow.

Alternate spellers took their test today. I will grade them tonight and get them back to them tomorrow. Those that need to, will test again on Friday along with the book spellers.

Thursday, we will also take a practice states and capitals test for the Midwest. That way kids will know which ones they know and which ones they don't. Those that score a 100% on the practice test will NOT have to retake the one on March 7th. Yay!!! Study, study.

Well, that about covers it. Have a fantastic night and go out and make a snow angel or something! For reals…if YOU do it and email me ( the picture, I will pay your child (or in the case of Caden and McLean…children) $100!!!!! C'mon, let loose and have some fun! You deserve it! :0)

Monday, February 24, 2014

It is easy to feel blessed when you stop and take a look around you.

Well hello there. Again, I apologize for not blogging this weekend. Thank you to so many of you that texted to check on me. How sweet. I appreciate you!

As if that wasn't enough, I woke up this morning and ripped my contact putting it in. When I checked to see if I had a spare, the answer was nope. All I could do was laugh at that point. It was either that or go back to bed. :0) So, it was like they had a new teacher today in glasses and hobbling around. When I showed them my ankle, they were like Oh…that is bad. I am just hoping I didn't break it. If it is not better tomorrow I will go get an X-ray. Hospitals are NOT my favorite things. :0( All in all though, I am so blessed and it could always, always be worse. :0)

Last Friday, we celebrated Abi's birthday. She brought in Rootbeer floats for all of us. We had them right after lunch as dessert. Yummy! Thanks so much Abi and mom for bringing those in! I hope you had a great time bowling in Laurel!

Today, we celebrated McLean's summer birthday. He brought in some yummy One Direction cupcakes. Hilarious! The kids loved their rings. A BIG thank you to dad for braving the roads to bring them in.

We had perfect attendance today even with the horrible roads. $50 to everyone!!!!! Great job team Erickson! I love that school is a priority in all of our lives. I am so blessed to be working with all of you!

Tomorrow is our Rainbow Loom buy in day. We will do this at the end of the day in place of our regular Social Studies class. Kids may bring in all their Rainbow Loom equipment, bands, and bracelets. If they don't have them…no problem. There will be extras or we can take turns. Kids may also bring in a drink to enjoy during this time as well. It doesn't have to be a pop. My only rules are they have to have a lid and they need to be a regular size drink (no jumbos). Kids bought in today with their fake money. Everyone was able to buy in. :0)

Homework tonight is an RLJ check in. Caden and Adelaide are exempt as I still haven't responded to their last one. Lucky ducks! So, they have the night off.

Tennis shoes are needed for gym tomorrow. Please help kids get those in their backpacks. They need to be dry to go in the gym, so please wear boots to school.

The Read A Thon has come to a close. It is not collection week. Please collect money due and send it in with the pledge envelopes. Kids also need to bring in their green reading log to get paid one final time with me. Please have these turned in this week. Thanks.

In Lead 21, we started reading a fictional piece about the Midwest. We will be working with figurative language, parts of speech, and comparing and contrasting. We will also review cause and effect heavily. There was some movement in groups based on last selections skill work. Sometimes kids get too comfortable in a group and stop applying themselves. So, they have to bump down and prove them selves again. I will not accept B work from an A student. If they are getting a B, they must need more intense instruction. I will re-look at the groups again at the end of this selection piece. There were also kids that moved up because they were ready for more of an independent challenge. They will have to continue to prove themselves by working hard, looking back in the text to get evidence to support their answers, and contributing to their group's discussions.

Chase was our star of the week last week. He had a great deal to share. Chase is HUGE into lacrosse. He brought his jersey, medals, and some of his robotic stuff as well. What a great kid!

Leaving you tonight with a pay it forward. Out of the blue today, Caden came up to me and gave me a coffee mug from his mom. I have yet to be in her store, Apricot Lane, but it is on my list of things to do. How nice to receive an out of the blue gift just for being me. Just three days earlier I received another one from Coewyn. I absolutely LOVE my job. Not because of the recognition, but because I absolutely LOVE my job. I often here that I go above the call of duty, but really I don't. I just love kids and see so much potential inside each of them. They are a gift and I treasure each and every one. That being said, I  always smile a little more when something I do is recognized by another. So, with a warm heart I say thank you. I appreciate all of you and all that you do for myself and for all Arrowhead kids!

Have a wonderful evening.
Ms. Erickson

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Hi there. Sorry I didn't blog. I am dealing with a pretty badly sprained ankle and have been trying to rest. Blogging just totally slipped my mind. 

Drive safe tomorrow. 

Ms. Erickson

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant. Max de Pree

Hello there.

Thank you sooooooo much for your donations to our calculator and glue stick cause. So many of you over donated and that was awesome! We have more than enough to restock the supply and make it through the year. A BIG thank you to Casasha's family for bringing in some extras today as well. It was so nice to have a calculator for everyone to use on their mean, median, mode, and range quiz. I am always amazed by how much all of you support our school and kids! All the money collected will go directly back to all 22 kids in the class. Yay!

So many of you have brought in box tops. The contest ends tomorrow. Please make a last minute check around the pantry and cupboards for any other box tops. Thanks!

With all the stuffed animals, gum, candy, pop, technology, pajamas, hats, and so on I was expecting a crazy day. I was so pleasantly surprised that all kids were just so calm and productive. I was so impressed that I gave them a Mr. Potato head compliment, which I NEVER do. They have to get those from other teachers. They were just that impressive. Great kids!

There is no homework tonight. I did offer challenge puzzles to those that wanted them. I just felt like they deserved a night off tonight. However, they do have spelling and states and capital tests they can study for. :0)

Library books and gym shoes are needed for tomorrow.

Kids may bring in their Read A Thon reading logs tomorrow and I will pay up. I agreed to pay $10 per hour of fake money. Thanks.

For a bonus tonight, let's do some more geometry aerobics. Have your kid come over and lay down flat on the floor on their back. Then ask them to make an acute, obtuse, right, and straight angle. They should fold their bodies in different angles. Acute-squished together to make a small angle less than 90, Obtuse, they should look like a couch potato all relaxed on a couch and larger than 90 degrees, right they should look perfectly straight up and out to make an exact 90 degree angle, and straight-they should lay flat on their back with no pillow equalling 180 degrees. We had fun in class making all sorts of different angles with our bodies. Next week, we will bring out the protractors and see how to really measure each of those angles as well. If your kiddo can do these when you say the angle name, write ANGLE in the planner for $10 tomorrow.

Have a wonderful night!
Ms. Erickson

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Being generous of spirit is a wonderful way to live. Pete Seeger

Hello there.

I posted awhile ago about the need for some classroom supplies. Haylee's family generously donated a bunch of glue sticks. Sadly, they are already used up and gone. So, we are going to go about this a different way. Kids may choose to participate in some fun classroom activities in exchange for a $1 donation for EACH activity they choose to do. Here are the choices we came up with:

Wear Pajamas (weather permitting)
Gum and/or candy bar
Drink for after lunch (pop is fine)
Stuffed animal or blanket
Hat in class

So, if I wanted to have gum and bring my iPod, then I would need to make a $2 donation. Kids may do as many as they want or none at all. All money raised will be used to buy glue sticks and small hand held calculators that are needed to restock our class supply. This supply is supposed to be a temporary fix, not an every time solution. For the bonus today, please ask your child if they are in need of their own glue sticks and/or calculator. If so, please replace them as soon as possible. Thanks. Pleaser write CHECK in the planner so I know that this happened at home for a $10 bonus tomorrow.

Homework tonight is Accelerated Math. All kids have something to finish up in their notebook. They need to fill out their scantron and have it ready to scan tomorrow morning. Take a look through their notebook, as this is the first time it is coming home. They are doing great! This program is done entirely on each student's level at their pace. It creates practice problems for specific objectives. When it sees that they are mastering a skill, it will print out a test for them. If they pass that, then it moves on to a new objective. After the computer grades it, it prints out a TOPS report for them to show them what they got correct and incorrect. They must sit down with myself or a volunteer and go over each problem they got incorrect and show us the right way to do it. Then and only then do they get a signature on the TOPS report and are allowed to start the new practice. Pretty cool program! It will be great to have everyone scan tomorrow.

We took the alternate spelling test today. Congratulations to Max, Liam, Caden, Spencer, McLean, Chase, Casasha, and Haylee for passing it on their first try. They all have 100% in the grade book for this week's spelling test. Others went home with theirs today to study before their test on Friday.

Next Tuesday, will be our Rainbow Loom buy in day. Kids have been asking for this one for awhile. For $300 fake dollars they can bring in their looms, bands, and bracelets to create, trade, and teach. We will do this for the last 45 minutes next Tuesday. My Emma will also be sneaking over from her school to join us. iPads will be available to learn from those youtube videos. Pretty amazing what kids can create all on their own. Cool! Those without looms…no worries. Plenty of people have extras that they can learn on. Those that can't buy in will have an alternate assignment in an alternate location.

Midterms come home this Friday. Grades are always up to date online, but I will send home the  paper copy on Friday along with a behavior check in. Everyone is doing well, and if there were a HUGE issue, I would have contacted you by now.

Lastly, I leave you with our math lesson for today. We did some geometry aerobics. Have your child come over to you. Say the following words and watch what happens. They should show you a visual of the word that helps them remember the meaning of the math concept. Awesome!!!!

Line Segment
Parallel Lines
Intersecting Lines
Perpendicular Lines

Too fun! I love Geometry!!!!!

Have a wonderful, wonderful evening. I so appreciate all of you, and thank you for sharing your most precious treasures with me every single day!!!

Ms. Erickson

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Darn You Mountain Dew!

Hi there.

Homework tonight is George Washington Carver. We read it in class but they need to do the back along with write what type of questions they are being asked next to it. The types of questions are… inferential, literal, analogy, context clues, main idea, and sequence. Kids were also offered a balance puzzle for optional challenge homework. Many took it…Yay!

The states and capital's test will be the first Friday in March. That is March 7th. We will review in class, but they need to study them at home. Remember: location on a map AND matching the capital to each state. See the list to the right if you need them.

In S.S. today we created our game boards for our fun MW project. We will continue on it by doing some research on Thursday in the computer lab. I don't want them to work on it at home at this time. Eventually, kids will bring all their research home and then create their game board. It will be fun to play and learn from them at the end. I will of course make sure that kids completely understand my expectations and I will model one for them along the way.

In CC meeting today, we talked about the four parts of an apology. 1. What did I do wrong? 2. How did it make them feel? 3. What should I have done? 4. What can I do to fix it. I gave them an example from my own life this weekend. I said to them…I am very sorry that I drank Mountain Dew. I know that you are disappointed and shocked. Next time I will walk out of the store without buying one. I will make it up to you by paying each of you your $100 from our bet and I will ask you to forgive me. They were all shocked!!! It just looked so darn cold and yummy in the store. The worst part was that I felt so guilty doing it, I only drank a little bit and didn't even get to enjoy it. Drats! So, now back to day one with water. I love that they all said they forgave me and believed in me that I could do it again. :0) Saying sorry is not always easy. Using the 4 square method makes it a little easier. What a great tool!

In math today, we learned all about median, mode, mean, and range. Using the data set, 2, 4, 7, 9, 1, 8, 4, have your child explain how to find the four things. Median-middle number after you put them in order from least to greatest. Mode-number seen the most often. Mean-add all the numbers up and divide by the number of numbers. Range-Largest number minus the smallest number. Write their answers in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Have a great evening!
Ms. Erickson

Monday, February 17, 2014

I really believe that children do spell love "t-i-m-e" and if you don't give them time, they're going to sense the feeling of alienation and rejection. -Rev. Che Ahn

Hello there. I hope this finds you relaxed and rested. 4 days off was just what I needed to get ready for the next few months.

Our Valentine's Day party was a great success. The kids enjoyed every single second of it. My slideshow maker is not working at the moment, and I have a million and one pictures to share. So, I will just share some each day instead. In the hallway, Arrowhead had a fun photo spot that had some fun props kids could use to enhance a single or group photo. Check these out! How fun!

A HUGE thank you to Mrs. Egan, Haarr, Crawford, Kimball, and Swanson for helping out to make the day for these 4th graders such a fun day! My favorite part was watching them pass out their valentine cards into their AMAZINGLY creative boxes. I LOVE watching them share those with others. A big congratulations for Taryn, Casasha, and Trevor for winning the box competitions. Taryn took the prize for most original use of Valentine theme with her "Love Bus." Trevor took the Most Creative and Original design with his porta potty! So fun! Lastly, Casasha took the last prize with her little Valentine Piggy! All the boxes were so fun to look at. One creative bunch in here!

This week, we will be back on track academically.

Math: Geometry. This is a new unit for us. We will continue to review all of our fraction concepts throughout the week during our morning work. After doing that all week, we will test out of those concepts on Friday. In math though, we will be getting out the protractors, compasses, rulers, scissors and glue to learn all those angles, lines, shapes, and polygons.

Lead 21: Continuing with the Midwest and how its geography connects to its economy. In small groups, we will be finding examples of cause and effect, facts and opinions, and reviewing all types of figurative language.

Language: Appositives. We will take a deeper look into what these are and how to identify them. What are these? When an author says…The boy, Fred, ate his sandwich…Fred is the appositive. It is added information that is separated out by commas. It is not needed to make the sentence make sense, but instead gives the reader more information. We will also look at Interjections in our DOL rotations. Words like Wow, Yikes, For Reals, and so on are interjections when separated out with a comma as well. All parts of speech will be reviewed in our spelling work and DOL rotations.

Spelling: Our skill in the book this week is suffixes. The test is this Friday. Alternates will take test 3 this week. They are doing a great job. :0)

Social Studies: MT History-Horse and Guns, and Regional Studies-Midwest Region. A project will be assigned in Regional S.S. Part of it will be done at school, and part will be done at home. Be watching for an explanation sheet coming home this week (Probably Thursday or Friday).

C.C. Meeting-Paying attention in class and respecting the teacher.

Upcoming Events:
This Wednesday: Coffee with the Principal. This will be the one to attend. The topics are: Project Lead the Way and Common Core.  Please RSVP with the office or by emailing Mrs. Meier directly at if you are planning on attending. It is at 8:30 a.m.

This Thursday: FBI agents will present to the parents. We did some training on this at the beginning of the year. Very interesting stuff that is happening all around us. So, how do we keep our kids safe? Come find out. 6:30 p.m. PARENTS ONLY PLEASE!

Science Fair: March 27th in the gym.

March 6th: Arrowhead Family FUN Night. Check this out:

Well, I think that about wraps up the need to knows for the week. Have a wonderful Monday! By the way, why were we off today? Why was there no mail today? If you child can figure it out, write it in the planner for $10 tomorrow. Enjoy the Sun!!!

Look at that…I fixed the slideshow. Here are the rest of the pictures. Enjoy and be ready to laugh a little. :0)

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