Hello there.
Rainbow Loom Day was a hoot. I especially liked seeing the boys doing it. They were so excited and many were sooooooo talented! Jen brought every bracelet know to man and had a very creative way of displaying them. I was so proud of her for sticking it out as she just got her braces on today too! What a trooper! You can tell she loves to loom! Everyone helped everyone and that was awesome. Even my Emma joined in on the fun! Everyone said she was a miniature Ms. Erickson! What an awesome compliment! Well worth the $200 buy in. A BIG thank you to Trevor who made me my own black and white one in honor of Black History Month! Awesome connection Trevor! :0)
Homework tonight is a review mean, median, mode, and range sheet. Kids may use calculators on this one. Remember… Mode=number found the most often. Median=middle number and if there are two middle numbers you need to add them together and divided by 2. Range=Largest number minus smallest number. Mean=Add all numbers up and divide but the number of numbers. MOST IMPORTANT THOUGH=LINE UP ALL NUMBERS FROM LEAST TO GREATEST BEFORE BEGINNING!
Tuesday folders came home tonight. Awhile ago, I sent out a parent survey for the book order sheets. I am finally getting around to sending one home. There is also the instructions on how to access our online account on the white direction sheet. Each book a child orders I will reward them with $50 fake bonus money. If you are old school and/or dislike using credit cards online, you can always send in the order form and check (made out to Scholastic Book Clubs) and I will mail it for you. Please DO NOT send cash. For each book ordered online, our classroom gets a free book as well. This is how I get all those great books for CC meetings. Yay! If your child shows you one book that they wish they could buy write BOOK in the planner for $10 tomorrow. It is always fun to get new books at school! :0)
During our computer time today, we watched our S.S. game board you tubes. Kids had to finish up their notes using this source. They are off to the side. Please ask your child which video is their's. If you watch it with them and allow them to share with you how they are going to use it on their game board, please write VIDEO in the planner for another $10 tomorrow. Abi and Amanda had to search on their own, so they can show you whatever one they watched. They both found a great one about Iowa farming. We will begin to build our game boards tomorrow.
In math, we pulled out the protractors. Kids enjoyed extending their angle lines and then finding the measure of the angle inside. We will quiz out on this skill tomorrow.
Alternate spellers took their test today. I will grade them tonight and get them back to them tomorrow. Those that need to, will test again on Friday along with the book spellers.
Thursday, we will also take a practice states and capitals test for the Midwest. That way kids will know which ones they know and which ones they don't. Those that score a 100% on the practice test will NOT have to retake the one on March 7th. Yay!!! Study, study.
Well, that about covers it. Have a fantastic night and go out and make a snow angel or something! For reals…if YOU do it and email me (ericksont@billingsschools.org) the picture, I will pay your child (or in the case of Caden and McLean…children) $100!!!!! C'mon, let loose and have some fun! You deserve it! :0)