Man on man do we have some VERY talented kids in Billings Public Schools. Wow to the girl's honor choir concert today. They sounded so, so pretty and so professional. To have almost 100 girls gather together at that young of an age is amazing to see. So proud of our own Haylee and Casasha! Well done girls (and don't worry…you only have one thing to make up upon your return.) Yay!!!!
Today, in spelling, we played a game for our times. Remember the game on tv called Password? Love that game. Kids sat back to back and had to give clues to the spelling words on the board. The person behind them had to guess which word they were describing. (High level thinking skills). Then when they did get it, they had to spell the word correctly before they moved onto the next one. What a fun way for them to practice their spelling.
In math we took a high level thinking geometry test. It did not go very well. There were many, many, many kids that couldn't do two step problems to find the area or the perimeter. Let me give you a sample question:
A builder is putting stone flooring in a shower. The shower floor has a perimeter of 26 feet. The shower's width is 6 feet. What is the area of the shower floor?
In order to solve this kids had to first figure out the length of the floor by adding the two widths (6 +6) and subtract that from the perimeter of 26. Thus equalling 14. They then had to divide that by 2 to get the 7 for each of the lengths. Then, they had to find the area by multiplying the length 7 by the width 6 to find the area of 42 square feet. That is HIGH level thinking, which is what all of these kiddos are capable of doing. You can see why I pushed so hard for them to know those basic facts for multiplication. One mistake, and all that work later, the problem is counted wrong. We will continue to practice these all throughout our geometry unit and in their accelerated math notebooks.
Speaking of accelerated math….it is tomorrow. Who is coming to help???????? Please….I am begging here. :0) You can do this math. I promise. If you can, please just come in at 10:00 and jump in. There area always kid's hands in the air needing to talk their way through problems.
Spelling tests are tomorrow for both book and alternates.
We took our practice states and capitals test today. I was pleased to see so many students pass with a 100%! Congratulations to Spencer, Caden, Chase, Haylee, Max, Riley, Adelaide, Jen, Casasha, and Taryn. Those that did not pass, still have time to study for the test next Friday (March 7th).
In CC meeting we did our Thursday placement meeting today. For about a month now, every Thursday morning, kids take a look at their EQ. They then place themselves in one of four categories: Positive Leader, Getting There, Needs Improvement, or Need a heavy fine to help my behavior change quickly. Today, kids stood up and read their persuasive letters to the class stating where they thought they should be, what they worked on last week, and what strategies they used to work on it. They then get some feedback from their peers. They also get some feedback from me. What I saw, what I am seeing now, and what I need them to work on next. Then they write their name on the class chart. Ask your child where they ended up today and why. If they share with you, write CC in the planner for $10. Haylee and Casasha…talk to your parents about where you were last week and where you should be this week. This is a powerful activity for accountability and for practicing some 4 square apologies. Kids often end up reminding me that it is Thursday and we need to do our chart. I love that we have a trusted environment that allows us all to feel safe to have a real conversation about all of our successes and areas needing improvement. What a great life skill!
Tonight's homework is another Types of Questions practice page. The last one was sooooooo much better. Kids are really starting to connect that when it is the "this" type of question then they need to use "this" strategy to find the answer. Now, they are seeing just how easy reading comprehension can be! :0) So, tonight they need to read Stevie Wonder, tell me the type of question, and answer the questions using the correct strategy. They also all need to select a handwriting cursive page in their practice book and complete it. I told them it had to be one that was at least two full lines long and then the author. They know what I mean. Reminding the to sit up straight and tall, with feet on the floor, and slanting the book just a tad will give them their best handwriting results. They get better each time.
Library books and tennis shoes are needed for tomorrow's specialists.
ALL Read A Thon envelopes and money are due tomorrow. Kids that bring them back, even if they just have one sponsor, will get a ticket for the prize drawings at the school assembly. For every five sponsors after that they will get another ticket. Every little bit counts and makes a difference in what we can do at Arrowhead school. Remember, every single cent collected goes right back to your child in some way or another. PTA is so generous to each class and it is so obvious that they love every kid at Arrowhead.
I think that about covers it. Have a great night, and dress WARM tomorrow. The winter storm arrives at midnight tonight. Oh joy, oh joy! :0)
Ms. Erickson