Hello there! Happy Tuesday.
Last night's homework didn't go so well. Kids were having a hard time figuring out what type of question they were being asked. So, one of our Language Arts rotations today was going over it again. They then did another practice. They did soooooo much better! Yay!
Tonight's homework is a Valentine's Day multiplication practice sheet. They may NOT use and calculator. We talked about having our trustworthy character shield on for this. Kids may use another piece of paper or white board to show their work. They need to follow the directions on the top. Kids also need to read and exercise tonight.
I also offered some bonus homework tonight. In math today, I challenged the kids with some balance puzzles. They were tough! It was so awesome to hear kids say "This is hard! This is challenging." I said Yay!!!!! I love when I can stretch their brains. If they can do the puzzle tonight BY THEMSELVES and get it right, they can earn $50. If they need just a little help that is ok, but please refrain from doing to for them. However, they are even fun for me so it is easy to want to do it too! :0)
In MT History we finished up our seasonal wheels for the Salish and Blackfoot tribe. We followed each tribe through each season to see what they did and how they migrated following the Bison. In the winter, both tribes' elders did something. Ask your child what they did. Write what they say in the planner for $10 tomorrow.
Box tops are upon us again. Please look to see if you have any to send in. The class contest goes through February. Go team Erickson!!!!
Lastly, I leave you with some amazing words of wisdom I came across the other day. So, so true!
Have a fantastic evening!
Ms. Erickson