Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Darn You Mountain Dew!

Hi there.

Homework tonight is George Washington Carver. We read it in class but they need to do the back along with write what type of questions they are being asked next to it. The types of questions are… inferential, literal, analogy, context clues, main idea, and sequence. Kids were also offered a balance puzzle for optional challenge homework. Many took it…Yay!

The states and capital's test will be the first Friday in March. That is March 7th. We will review in class, but they need to study them at home. Remember: location on a map AND matching the capital to each state. See the list to the right if you need them.

In S.S. today we created our game boards for our fun MW project. We will continue on it by doing some research on Thursday in the computer lab. I don't want them to work on it at home at this time. Eventually, kids will bring all their research home and then create their game board. It will be fun to play and learn from them at the end. I will of course make sure that kids completely understand my expectations and I will model one for them along the way.

In CC meeting today, we talked about the four parts of an apology. 1. What did I do wrong? 2. How did it make them feel? 3. What should I have done? 4. What can I do to fix it. I gave them an example from my own life this weekend. I said to them…I am very sorry that I drank Mountain Dew. I know that you are disappointed and shocked. Next time I will walk out of the store without buying one. I will make it up to you by paying each of you your $100 from our bet and I will ask you to forgive me. They were all shocked!!! It just looked so darn cold and yummy in the store. The worst part was that I felt so guilty doing it, I only drank a little bit and didn't even get to enjoy it. Drats! So, now back to day one with water. I love that they all said they forgave me and believed in me that I could do it again. :0) Saying sorry is not always easy. Using the 4 square method makes it a little easier. What a great tool!

In math today, we learned all about median, mode, mean, and range. Using the data set, 2, 4, 7, 9, 1, 8, 4, have your child explain how to find the four things. Median-middle number after you put them in order from least to greatest. Mode-number seen the most often. Mean-add all the numbers up and divide by the number of numbers. Range-Largest number minus the smallest number. Write their answers in the planner for $20 tomorrow.

Have a great evening!
Ms. Erickson