Well hello there. Again, I apologize for not blogging this weekend. Thank you to so many of you that texted to check on me. How sweet. I appreciate you!
As if that wasn't enough, I woke up this morning and ripped my contact putting it in. When I checked to see if I had a spare, the answer was nope. All I could do was laugh at that point. It was either that or go back to bed. :0) So, it was like they had a new teacher today in glasses and hobbling around. When I showed them my ankle, they were like Oh…that is bad. I am just hoping I didn't break it. If it is not better tomorrow I will go get an X-ray. Hospitals are NOT my favorite things. :0( All in all though, I am so blessed and it could always, always be worse. :0)
Last Friday, we celebrated Abi's birthday. She brought in Rootbeer floats for all of us. We had them right after lunch as dessert. Yummy! Thanks so much Abi and mom for bringing those in! I hope you had a great time bowling in Laurel!
Today, we celebrated McLean's summer birthday. He brought in some yummy One Direction cupcakes. Hilarious! The kids loved their rings. A BIG thank you to dad for braving the roads to bring them in.
We had perfect attendance today even with the horrible roads. $50 to everyone!!!!! Great job team Erickson! I love that school is a priority in all of our lives. I am so blessed to be working with all of you!
Tomorrow is our Rainbow Loom buy in day. We will do this at the end of the day in place of our regular Social Studies class. Kids may bring in all their Rainbow Loom equipment, bands, and bracelets. If they don't have them…no problem. There will be extras or we can take turns. Kids may also bring in a drink to enjoy during this time as well. It doesn't have to be a pop. My only rules are they have to have a lid and they need to be a regular size drink (no jumbos). Kids bought in today with their fake money. Everyone was able to buy in. :0)
Homework tonight is an RLJ check in. Caden and Adelaide are exempt as I still haven't responded to their last one. Lucky ducks! So, they have the night off.
Tennis shoes are needed for gym tomorrow. Please help kids get those in their backpacks. They need to be dry to go in the gym, so please wear boots to school.
The Read A Thon has come to a close. It is not collection week. Please collect money due and send it in with the pledge envelopes. Kids also need to bring in their green reading log to get paid one final time with me. Please have these turned in this week. Thanks.
In Lead 21, we started reading a fictional piece about the Midwest. We will be working with figurative language, parts of speech, and comparing and contrasting. We will also review cause and effect heavily. There was some movement in groups based on last selections skill work. Sometimes kids get too comfortable in a group and stop applying themselves. So, they have to bump down and prove them selves again. I will not accept B work from an A student. If they are getting a B, they must need more intense instruction. I will re-look at the groups again at the end of this selection piece. There were also kids that moved up because they were ready for more of an independent challenge. They will have to continue to prove themselves by working hard, looking back in the text to get evidence to support their answers, and contributing to their group's discussions.
Chase was our star of the week last week. He had a great deal to share. Chase is HUGE into lacrosse. He brought his jersey, medals, and some of his robotic stuff as well. What a great kid!
Leaving you tonight with a pay it forward. Out of the blue today, Caden came up to me and gave me a coffee mug from his mom. I have yet to be in her store, Apricot Lane, but it is on my list of things to do. How nice to receive an out of the blue gift just for being me. Just three days earlier I received another one from Coewyn. I absolutely LOVE my job. Not because of the recognition, but because I absolutely LOVE my job. I often here that I go above the call of duty, but really I don't. I just love kids and see so much potential inside each of them. They are a gift and I treasure each and every one. That being said, I always smile a little more when something I do is recognized by another. So, with a warm heart I say thank you. I appreciate all of you and all that you do for myself and for all Arrowhead kids!
Have a wonderful evening.
Ms. Erickson