Hi there. I hope you had a great day at home or at work! We had a great day at school!
This morning at CC Meeting, we did a lesson on empathy. I asked the kids what that was. No one knew. So, we read a story called Those Shoes. It was about a little boy that really wanted a pair of the new "cool" shoes that everyone was wearing at the time. His grandma couldn't afford them. He finds a pair at the thrift shop, but they are too small. He buys them anyway hoping they will stretch overnight. They of course don't. He notices a little boy at school that has tape holding his shoes together and that his feet are a little smaller than his. After thinking for awhile, he decides that he will never be able to wear the new shoes so he gives them to the other child knowing how he must feel having to wear the not so cool shoes to school. I then asked kids if they knew what empathy was. Not quite. So, I had them partner up boy-girl as much as possible. I had them literally switch shoes. Then, we talked about two idioms…walk a mile in my shoes and step into my shoes. I had them walk around the room and picture themselves as the other person, all the while wearing each other's shoes. They got it! To sum it up, we actually watched a Sesame Street skit all about empathy. Then, they really got it. Ask your child tonight what empathy is. They should tell you that is when you can imagine or know just how someone else is feeling, thus having empathy for them. If they can tell you write the word EMPATHY in the planner for $10. Fun lesson!
Thanks to Abi, Coewyn, Haylee, and Spencer for the fun winter pictures. I actually meant the mom and dad to go play in the snow but I loved these ones too! Max, I never got yours but will pay you your $100 if mom can resend it. She even had one of herself!!!!
Thanks to Max and Amanda for all ready ordering books online. I have already selected some fun books for the classroom library. One was written by Jackie Robinson's sister! Wow!!! Cool!!! Book orders close next Friday.
A sticker came home in the planner tonight. 4th graders take the MontCas Science test. It is the only MontCas test we will take this year. We will take it March 18, 19, and 20th. Makeups are no fun for the teacher or the student. Please try to help us have perfect attendance on those days to avoid those. Mrs. Auch has done an amazing job preparing these kids to shine, shine, shine!
To me, that is what testing is. I don't put a lot of pressure into testing. I just expect kids to do their very best and encourage them to show off all that they have learned this year. Instead of MontCas this year in reading and math, we will be piloting the new test Smarter Balance. This is pretty cool, because we get to be part of history. This year, the test isn't testing the kids, but instead is testing the test. They want to know what 4th graders know, should know, and don't know. Then, they will design the final test for next year. Awesome!!!! How cool are we to have a part in making a national test????
The tests that I love are the NWEA Map tests. The kids took them at the beginning of the year, and now they get to take them again. This is the one that shows me just how much they learned. I am always so proud of them on these, and it helps me to know what I need to work on even more next year. Our class is scheduled to take these April 2, 3, and 4th. Yippee! They will shine so bright…I just know it! BELIEVE!
Homework tonight is a spelling skill sheet. We also have the practice states and capital's test tomorrow. Those that score 100% will not have to take it again. Kids also came home with their S.S. game boards today. I gave them time in class to start them and ask questions. We went over ALL the expectations. There is absolutely room for individual creativity, but I will only be grading what is on their grade expectation sheet. (Which they also brought home tonight.) At some point before Monday (that is the due date), they need to play the game with you. If you are having to ask for clarification on their facts or squares then I probably will too, which will result in points off their final score. Please help them make sure they have solid facts in complete sentences and NOT just phrases. They need to obtain your signature on their grade sheet as part of their final points. Again, these are due on Monday, March 4th.
Kids have earned the right to listen to their iPods in Art tomorrow. They may bring them for that purpose. I will not be offering a full day buy in. They will need to put them in their bags after art for the rest of the day.
We have been invited to listen to the West End Girls Honor Choir concert tomorrow afternoon. Our very own Haylee and Casasha are in it. My Emma is also in it, so that will be extra fun for me. They are touring all around the west end and get to have a pizza lunch in between. Lucky!!! Enjoy the day off girls. We can't wait to hear your beautiful voices! :0)
Have a fantastic night!
Ms. Erickson